Discord ID: 710247978526310400
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Half asian bill rickmond
Who needs laws when you have a 3d printer
This is a joke atf dont come rock my shit
I took this pic a few days ago why does it look like it’s photoshopped lel
Im not a fan of cancel culture but that man needs some cancelling
Alaska got some crazy shit goin on with the light because of the tilt of the earth and the rotation of the earth
Im not the one to explain it to you im more of a biology and animal type dude
Those iguanas fall from trees in the winter and kill people. Too cold for em
It was made for ground combat. Partly just to give cover for the guys on the ground and to make them fall back
Just watched a short documentary on them there pretty kewl
The satisfying brrrrrtttttttt sound they make is only toped by the hooting and hollering the guys on the ground make
All of these except the top one are unedited
If you cant tell already i like birbs
Idk i must be good at photoshopping birbs
Whats blue and smells like red paint
||Blue paint||
With the second photo of the creek i would lower the iso to make the light less intense
Every day we stray further and further
Is it soft the whole time
I must know
You must look so bored during sex
Well damn i have to follow discord tos
**next dumb socialist please**
The new press secretary is ben sharpiro in a women’s body
New gun case for my bt-99 is on its way
Gun case comin in tmrw <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>
Also “must be a fat gay man that can go on rants for hours”
I need this break down case tho
Atleast alot and a few more
Bruhhh i dont think my gun case is coming in today
Got my award for first place at the trap shoot. A silver dollar
This is what happens when you dont draw for almost a month and try sketching with a ball point pen
I gave up at the bottom
Thats what i was going for as i cant erase ink
Shoulda done it in pencil smh my head
Haven’t uploaded in a while but heres some pics from alabama
Didn’t have my big camera out cause i was fishing but god damn
My mom made fun of my grandma cause she voted republican and the reason she did is because she didn’t want babies to be killed and my mom mocked her in a very old white tone saying “better not be killen dem babys”
I wish i had the balls to say something
She is sort of a delusional wacko
She aint all there
But she wants dem bbs
We been tryin
It aint workin
She gone
We just chattin
She cant even take the plastic off a new refrigerator i don’t expect her to know how to fit blocks into other blocks
But we’ll try
My grandmother is sorta like joe
I think she did a mostly straight republican card
She may have voted libertarian on one or two things
Im not a full on trump 2020 maga trump train person but hes doin a good job and i respect it
Racist sexist homophobic bigoted
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