Luigi Super Guide

Discord ID: 591310904390320141

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did they ever get their soy food donations?

I hate this channel so much but also love it at the same time

The most expensive way to go sledding, I love it

Grant was one of the main people that inspired me to pursue electrical engineering

I wanted to be able to build stuff like he did, so sad to see him go

Watching the everyday astronaut stream, Tim provides some good commentary

At least his internet is working today lol

Yesterday was a mess ๐Ÿ˜‚

Anyone else watch the Electron failure a few weeks ago? Then China also had a late stage failure, I feel like those are rare and it's weird that two happened so close together

hey guys, having a bit of an argument with someone. I'm saying BLM is a horrible organization and looking for some examples. Here's what I got so far, I want to keep it kinda short.

Marxism/CCCP fist/Nazi Propaganda, CHAZ/CHOP as a whole, burning of cities, destroying memorials, 200 open domestic terrorist investigations/meeting the definition of terrorism, Susan Rosenburg (Head of BLM funding), not one mention of David Dorn, Patrick Underwood, the 16 yr old killed in CHAZ, the children that have been killed in the violence (the name of the 8 yr old killed in her car), the 59 gun homicides in New York in one weekend of which all victims were black, and the killing of Jessica Doty Whitaker for saying "All lives Matter"

I get my keys back and also get a free bracelet

I live in Colorado, and I have accidentally ran over two of them while mountain biking

Bull snakes suck, there's a lot of them here and they can get mean

p i s s s s s e d s n e k

yeah, bull snakes are fun to mess with

We used to camp near this lake where there were two that lived in the area. The larger one was about 6-7 feet long

they are also really good swimmers

I spent most my life in northern colorado, well outside of tornado alley but I have seen multiple form. Although worth mentioning that in colorado we walk outside to watch them because they are maybe f2's at most.

Just got this in the mail

The statement is so stupid in the first place, like "I could totally dead lift 5000 pounds if I had the power to"

"don't stop me now" was delayed due to weather I think

anyone wanna help me with this one, I don't get it

are the ppl in the pictures important or are they just random?

cool thx, I thought there was a reference I was missing

Hey guys, just need to rant for a bit. My stupid school (Mines) has a mask policy, fine whatever. I'm sure you've heard about the half asses study by Duke that states that neck gaiters are worse than not wearing a mask at all. Cool. My school sent out an announcement about this citing this study and that neck gaiters are bad. I'm totally cool up to this point. Then they go on to say that they should not be used unless it is the only option. This is where I'm like WHAT? At an engineering STEM school you cite a study that states these are worse than no mask but you'll still force people to wear them. If this was really about public health you would out right ban them. But no, because its about conformity and control.

Sorry rant over, I just am not looking forward to going back next week with all their stupid arbitrary rules.

Just got my printer working again, thought these turned out pretty well

hey guys, need to write a paper on any battle throughout all of history, its for a college class so I can go pretty in depth but not sure what to pick. Any recommendations??

ok thanks man

some of these I recognize but definitely haven't heard of a few

yeah that one seems interesting

i love learning about this history stuff, especially as i slowly start to be working in these areas. grew up in colorado and learning about rocky flats and then last summer went down to los alamos

its just so wild

in new mexico

Anyone have that meme of the highschool band in the green tents?

Yeah that's the one

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