
Discord ID: 199501779115835392

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the day zeducation broke discord...

parler requires a phone number...i will never trust them, dont give a f what anyone says

IRC will always be a safe haven

alt right xD...most misused term of the 20th century

21st century i mean xD literally says right on the packaging that is doesn't protect against covid-19...but man they sure do make you 'feel' good xD

life is a spiritual journey, i don't care what you believe; people who willfully refuse to participate in that journey are truly mental infants

I made my first meme ๐Ÿ˜„

they aren't trying hard because of those new rules the mayor put out with vague restrictions on making arrests, and she's black; so they have to dance on egg shells because they could get in trouble so easily

i still think it was hilarious how she blurts out "Trump 2020"...he needs to tweet a short of this video xD

the reporting on these incidents are friggin unreal...

i saw a headline titled 'the confederacy of California'...these people are friggin insane

"He said investigators had also concluded that Fuller appeared to have purchased the rope he was found hanging from. "Detectives identified a purchase from a local Dollar Tree store made on May 14, 2020, in which a red rope, consistent with the one used in the hanging was purchased with the card registered to Mr. Fuller," Marks said."

no one talks about how Californians lynched white farmers (Okies) after the dust bowl back in the 1920s...

or how half the state's income was from taxing the Chinese for being Chinese in the late 1870s...

"Faced with the possibility of a political and/or legal fight, the city suddenly decided that Dan Peaseโ€™s sign was a traffic hazard that might cause accidents and they removed it in the middle of the night." xD

@BBakers yea we've been saying that since those doctors got erased from the internet months ago...10x higher cases mean 10x lower death rate...thus equating to NO PANDEMIC

from what i've seen it was a 'coronavirus' or flu virus, that was slightly altered to make it more contagious via airborne..

so it's more contagious, significantly, than normal, but that's about it

my next video is going to be good; i think i can prove definitively that the coof is no worse than the flu...i love math ๐Ÿ˜„

'Many more will have lasting health issues' xD...this is the latest absolute fallacy they've been trying to push

i made another vid, sorry it's so long, skip to the end for data ๐Ÿ™‚

that website is full of crap...

not even counting death reports that are unverified and other specifics

the WHO misreports and those numbers on that worldometer are significantly higher xD

they get their data from CDC

i use it as a guage, not for truth

they're the official bullshit

that other website is more bullshit than the official bullshit is kinda my point

they don't want the case rate to rise above the deaths, so they can keep saying it's worse than it is...they never tell you that the flu death rate of .1% is based mainly of estimated cases; when they say that 35 million people had the flu last year, the vast majority of that is estimated...they will not use studies that estimate the number of actual cases of Covid amongst the populations because then they can't scare you and can keep waving this higher death rate in your face

another interesting thing is that the other 4 coronaviruses that infect the human respiratory system are very seasonal; it seems to be the case with this new one, look at the deaths all over europe and even canada and most places in the northern hemisphere; yet we are having the weird 2nd wave going on here in the US...there's so much about the data i've been going over that makes zero sense; other than the fact the numbers are obviously being manipulated

everyone needs to get this video out...before it disappears

youtube deleted the video

dude they deleted it off pscp already??

holy crap, they did

does it usually take forever for bitchute to process video?

they deleted all 3 of the video off that other site too

im tryin to get it up on bitchute atm

they also took the trending hashtags off twitter

the twitter mob have had 3 other anti trump hash tags go trending since then...twitter is completely manipulated and controlled by a bunch of ninnies...what a joke of a forum

they literally have just been saying, "hey...lets make this ***** go trending..." and then it does in a matter of minutes, what a joke

all you have to do is say you can't wear a mask because you have a health condition, if thy try to ask you what the condition is or still ban you from their store, you can sue them

livestream right now

i wonder why we're not seeing a picture of the shooter...

i'm compiling a list

well then tell me how to post like 10+ links

without posting like 10+ links

i dont give a godam about twitter

my 2nd meme ๐Ÿ˜„

this was removed once already, most likely will get removed again

holy crap i might actually be distantly related to that nurse

this is so they can keep the number of cases down, thereby keeping the death rate one ever talks about how the flu death rate is based on estimated cases, and they refuse to publish studies that estimate untested covid cases

the flu death rate is based on 35-40 million people having the flu, the vast majority of that is estimated

looks like a lot of people are gonna have to get used to being smuggled by freighter/barge/ship etc.

100 bucks says the test comes back positive and they say he died of covid, even though that's literally impossible in that length of time

only way he could've died that fast is if they immediately sedated him and put him on a ventilator

ventilators are death machines btw

xD...i can only guess what the subject matter is of that video, being as i definitely know who David Icke is and I used to be a huge fan of the ORIGINAL V-series xD

i couldn't give 2 f*cks about NY

we are in zombie apocalypse...there's 2 main hordes, one in New England-concentrated in NY, and the other is on the West Coast; however there seems to be another breakout around the great lakes area...

we must also be careful of the fast moving ones who are quickly traveling into our neighborhoods and cities trying to infect the local population and spread the disease

"Available data indicate that persons with mild to moderate COVID-19 remain infectious no longer than 10 days after symptom onset. Persons with more severe to critical illness or severe immunocompromise likely remain infectious no longer than 20 days after symptom onset.
"These findings strengthen the justification for relying on a symptom based, rather than test-based strategy for ending isolation of these patients, so that persons who are by current evidence no longer infectious are not kept unnecessarily isolated and excluded from work or other responsibilities."
"Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 has not yet been definitively confirmed in any recovered persons to date. If, and if so when, persons can be reinfected with SARS-CoV-2 remains unknown and is a subject of investigation."

so i've been reading about this 'progressive' mayor of Houston...he almost doubled the size of their deficit in his first 4 years, he was reelected in December of last year

i wear a mask, not because i'm worried about the virus, but because i'm afraid some stupid Karen will mace me and then i'll knock her out and go to jail... ๐Ÿ™‚

i think Kindergarten Cop is getting banned for this scene xD

this is actually the 2nd time during the movie the kid says this

how is this not brandishing?

this is why southerners always have made fun of yankees...

there's a reason why they haven't tried any of this trash down here in the south any of you recall anyone having protests in the south (not counting Atlanta, which is it's own special problem)

i say protests, but you know what i mean xD

they would get blasted, and the sheriff would say, "thanks..."

@SeamusMac xD...u might be interested in this vid i made, it's from 7/20 tho so the stats aren't up to date, but looks like you were looking at the same sort of stuff i was

yea i know, i been researching this crap for a bit...that's my channel btw ๐Ÿ˜›

that's old news actually about recovered folks

this was end of May

i was saying the same thing in my video, even the Irish doctor lady on Computing Forever was making the same points; this entire 2nd wave is bullcrap

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