Discord ID: 419505017972588545
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Not surprised about this
<@162021990646022144> the propaganda is real
Disney swinging the ban hammer left and right
Anything that shows blacks as racist BAN
So what a photo book? @[TDE] Smokie
And there it is
Something seems off about all these positive test all the sudden
@oneMobungis none of that if stuff "when"
Not if he'll get reelected when he does
Wow tik Tok is a massive data farm
I still don't know why I still get upset at media hypocracy
Well he just lost his 2022 reelection
@a1_Raceboy catholic school?
For now
@dwagiud your views on Skyrim
Would anyone of you be the first in line to get the Covid vaccine?
@NodeSpaghetti agreed live and let live just don't push it on me
@Decepticons and Cobra strangle enough Im being more religious with lefties tearing down religious statues
A publisity stunt. But hey if it'll suck some of Biden's voters out
George Kirby was a black comiedian fyi
So Nancy got the race right i guess
My 1st cousin "accidentally" had a kid with a 2nd cousin. Poor kid isn't right
@ReneAensland @AWOIII Feel bad for the kid.
@notJustin43 It's like some collective massacistic fantacy
Lol good luck
We are following "the science" bullshit
What do y'all think of this truck
If you are in the traffic where I live you kinda need it.
@F6RTSMELLER well unless you are riding through the flood waters
Im not a big fan of the cybertruck. Doesnt seem practicle
@Sage Im looking for size and towing capasity like RVs or construction machinery
Not only that where are you gonna charge it when you're out on the middle of nowhere
The hell is this
It's like these folks never read a science book
Or took civics
Mr President if reelected will you mandate schools require civics class on all levels?
Take what you will about yahoo but even the Chinese stated this
There's a lot of ethnic first generation Germans in the Texas Hill Country
Is anyone surprised?
What I learned during this foolishness is SAVE EVERY Video that goes against the narrative
There we go
Well there was an Epoch Times documentary showing how this thing is so contagious
Of course it was deleted
UT did a system wide internal survey of their Drs in all disciplines. 90% of them said they wouldn't take it in the first 2 years
University of Texas btw
Yeah they do
Although, in my opinion, that can be misleading if you get a positive
I prefer the blood test
That what's contributing to the rise of "hospitalizations"
Go to the Dr or hospital for anything automatically get a covid test
I personally don't like giving my DNA
Maybe so but I don't want to know about it first hand
It's even sadder when you see it done to kids
What's worse is we are breading children into hypochondriacs
My god brother miss playing basketball and his friends
Seems he might miss out on a sport scholarship
The mayor took all the basketball hoops out of the parks
So not kids are playing in the middle of a major street
Might be interesting
What we are thinking in the neighborhood is start a community garden and let the kids learn classwork and practical skills outside
Some are covered in police tape
So where's Biden's cancellation
They shot up each other
This new Ocorina of Time rout is insane
It's a 43 minute long video but so much truth
Bullshit they are just worried about a riot
@Red Jasper have a source to that?
Notice that none of these Drs are wearing mask
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