Message from @mathgrant
Discord ID: 739544597478506597
This is a news channel
I'm just glad I got those screencaps.
> The media is an enemy of the people, change my mind
@Soulman The media overall is positive, negative, and......meh. It provides you with information almost as soon as it is out (i.e. the results of an election or a major natural disaster). However, it also creates hatred and division, and sometimes provides false information (i.e. painting Republicans as racists or misrepresenting crime statistics). And then there are the weird news articles that don’t do anyone any good (i.e. a world leader’s new haircut or a celebrity losing weight). The media is just a mixed bag, and the quality and trustworthiness of it depends on each individual media outlet.
is that BLM or is that NFAC
oh or is that in Britain
thought brits didn't have guns tho
plus London has Orwellian levels of surveillance cameras, so everyone is gonna get caught anyways
All good guys, just antifa guys with plate carriers rolling into Austin in pickup trucks and a hardware store had a run on hammers, hardhats and megaphones
@Soulman Why do some think retards being able to about face a couple times means they’re trained? They’re all at different feet and hand positions
That clip is probably the least threatening thing I've seen in a while, I'm more threatened by those goofy ISIS bootleg training videos
@Jaw Was it the Venezuelan videos where they put the automatic weapon sound effects on top of the fake weapon fire?
Complain about the feds hurting journalists, but also endanger journalists.
Who andy ngo
> Who andy ngo
@ThatElijah All I know about him is that he’s a journalist, he’s gay, and he’s not on the left, so the normally gay-loving left hates him.
The left are a bunch of pussies ngl
Their hats certainly are.
he works to report what’s really going on in the protests
I know Tim Pool reported on attacks on Andy Ngo. He had a milkshake thrown at him with quick drying cement in it.
Thats my favorite flavor of McDonald's milkshake. They always have the machines down for cleaning though
And every leftist responds with a “Thanks, Satan” meme.
Well, we have Pro-life Catholic Feminists....
There appears to be a tear in the space time continuum.
It really isn't suprising. In another channel there was a twitter post saying someone was burning the Bible and saying "down with fascism"
should be 'just another liberal pushing around an unarmed black person for an agenda'
> It really isn't suprising. In another channel there was a twitter post saying someone was burning the Bible and saying "down with fascism"
@Son of Nerds I believe you're referring to the 🐝:
@mathgrant babylon bee is satire tho @Son of Nerds
Wait is that actually fake?