Spooky Scary Stalin
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To be fair, this meme isn’t entirely inaccurate.
Face masks have been proven to be effective in many cases. The primary purpose of masks is to prevent the user from spreading the virus to others.
Not really, it can spread easily outdoors as well, and I believe that sacrificing this small amount of liberty in order to keep people safe is worth it.
In fact, masks are more effective than lockdowns. If more people wore masks in public, maybe we wouldn’t need these prolonged lockdowns.
> Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
@LegoGenius16 I agree, but in cases like this, I think we have to make an exception.
> @Spooky Scary Stalin dude like 99.95% wear mask here
@AG I doubt it.
There have been surveys conducted on this issue, but I doubt that they can be trusted, due to the fact that people who don’t wear masks in public will generally be inclined to say that they do.
If people wore masks more often, people would be happy, and we probably wouldn’t have to require that masks be worn in public. However, due to the individualistic culture here, there’s a certain amount of defiance that’s not seen in most other developed countries. This is one of the few times where the well-being of the collective should be prioritized.
> @Spooky Scary Stalin literally didn’t see a single person in a place of public not wearing a mask when in close contact to someone else 🥳
@AG Personal experiences don’t count as evidence.
Also, since the mask catches most of the droplets from a person’s cough or sneeze, you would most likely have to touch the inside of the mask in order to get the virus on your hands.
If the wearer is infected, and touches the inside of the mask, nothing really happens, because they’re already infected. In most cases I don’t see anyone else touching the inside of another person’s mask.
> we shouldn't mandate vaccines tho
Sorry I just saw that message
We should mandate vaccines, with medical exemptions only
There’s no good reason (besides a medical condition) that prevents a person from getting vaccinated in most cases
In times of crisis like this, sacrificing a TINY amount of freedom in order to protect others (and in the case of vaccines, yourself as well) is worth it. I’m all for small government but the benefits outweigh the cost here.
Those are cool quotes, but I would still rather have more people vaccinated.
Yes, but it shouldn’t be a choice.
Unless a person has a medical reason not to get one.
I don’t trust the Chinese regime either, but most vaccines that are used in the US aren’t made in China. The FDA closely monitors the manufacturing process of vaccines in other countries.
Vaccines aren’t made from aborted fetal tissues
Aborted fetal tissues are used to test vaccines
They’re not an ingredient
There’s no evidence that Theodore Roosevelt said this, but it’s still a good quote.
> The media is an enemy of the people, change my mind
@Soulman The media overall is positive, negative, and......meh. It provides you with information almost as soon as it is out (i.e. the results of an election or a major natural disaster). However, it also creates hatred and division, and sometimes provides false information (i.e. painting Republicans as racists or misrepresenting crime statistics). And then there are the weird news articles that don’t do anyone any good (i.e. a world leader’s new haircut or a celebrity losing weight). The media is just a mixed bag, and the quality and trustworthiness of it depends on each individual media outlet.
This video is really funny (obviously it’s just a joke)!
Oh wait
I just looked at the name
Is the guy in the top picture Graham Allen?
Richard Spencer endorsed Joe Biden for President
> the polls are so rigged
@Memologist Ph.D.
How so?
Yeah, and polls aren’t perfect, but they’re the best tool that we have to measure public opinion
They’re not rigged
Yeah, but they don’t
If you were conducting a poll, would you want it to be inaccurate? If it turned out on Election Day that your poll was completely wrong, it would be a public embarrassment for you. Because of this, most poll companies try to be as accurate as possible.
I mean, I guess so
I agree, but it’s the best sample we have
> ever notice how the "undecided" percentage is usually quite large
@Memologist Ph.D.
The undecided percent is usually quite small.
The polls that I have seen have had undecided percents of around 2%
Why would they do that? Like I said before, they want their polls to be as accurate as possible. They do not want to be embarrassed on Election Day.
And even pollsters like Fox News
Show Biden in the lead
And Fox News is a conservative news network
That’s not to say Trump can’t win
Do you have any evidence to back that up? I don’t think that conservatives/Trump supporters are shy.
I see
Based on what I have seen, it seems like Trump supporters despise Biden just as much.
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