Message from @Meryl.140.15
Discord ID: 746402658872459354
Maybe if it's just day trading
@kyzercube yeah must be the oil
I miss bender
I think I would do neither, but I don't know if I could resist the temptation.
So not too much a surprise but Andrew Yang is in support of Biden/Harris, the thing that gets me is he's supposed to be some anti-establishment left leaning businessman, I sort of figured once he was out he would still lean towards a non partisan candidate over the same ol' swamp.. guess I was naive.. not that I care about his politics I just found it curious.
In what position is Yang in?
What do you mean? @KyrosTheWarrior
In politics
Is he a governor
Wasn't he a democratic candidate
Yes he was
Just remember that Tulsi didn’t get an invite to the DNC
Funny thing is Hollywood drove away Justin Beiber. I think Beiber red pilled.
Lol nah. We don't want Bieber...
Apparently Bieber is a Christian now. He was a born again virgin or something then waited for marriage to have sex with his wife
We all have our journeys
Its not about who they were, it about what they've done to become the person they are now
Bieber is asking for trouble though, especially in Canada
Espousing Christianity? Ohhh no no
canada's gettin pretty messed up
honestly Andrew yang was just a downgraded version of Bernie Sanders
If the Second Amendment only applies to old-timey firearms, then the Twenty-First Amendment only allows you to drink alcohol that was brewed before 1933.
and the first ammendment only covering speech written with feather pen and ink
heh i like that meme where its like "if 2A only covers old weapons, then so be it" with a house that has cannons pointing out of every window
have it your way
Cool so i can have the civil war ere gattling guns and strap a motor to the crank
Simple, just swallow gunpowder, a lit match, and put a pebble between your teeth
Human gun
Now they have to ban humans
The government will be run by cats and giraffes
I'll post here so that I'm not getting in way of the main general chat.
So I learned today that there is a group of furries who disapprove of the furry fandom's perversion. They're called the *"Burned furs."* I guess that makes me a burned fur since I'm not okay with how the fandom has turned out. On top of that, the majority of the fandom chases out conservative furs and furries who dislike pedophiles, zoophiles, and don't support the leftist agenda. We're still furries, but split apart from the fandom. We all know the sheer majority of the fandom doesn't like Trump and doesn't like America.
not sure why people feel the need to tell everyone what their sexual fetish's are
Those with common sense wouldn't do that.
I dont care what furry you are you should meet your doom with a MOAB guided bomb strike