6H0$T ๐ป๐
Discord ID: 741770859638816908
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I hear lots of forests in Missouri... @Ironman 7th state by the acrealage.
and racoons...
You have your own pond?
What type of fish do you keep?
Aren't catfish predators? They'll need to munch on someone. Also are they edible?
That's not reassuring, Luckay.
Had to go google that Red Dead Redemption... Thought it was a film, but it's a game.
No wonder I don't know.
How old are you, Luckay?
I'll be on the look out to try some, thanks for the recommendation.
I like all kinds of fish. Even raw like sushi. But never came across catfish. New goals for this year. lol
> Plenty of time still to get your catfish
@Luckay that sounds dodgier than it should. lmao.
Left the server & returned or got kicked & returned I'd assume.
@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] why did the goodbye channel got cancelled?
My understanding is that it's just there for you to acknowledge the rules & enter the server.
You'll find out in the elections
Elections are going to be totes rigged! make no mistake!
Depends who's paying the poll companies @BobiusPrime
Fraid to say it... but it's going to be a dirty election. Seems like Dems are pulling all the plugs. One can only hope that Trump's camp has all his bases covered.
yeah... when in doubt... Blame the Russians!
They are feeding the divide on purpose!
Might end up with more than what they bargained for!
lol. i thought other languages weren't allowed? there was a whole speech just now!
@jerpeau are sales links allowed in the server?
oh, no... where did the guy with a cute southern accent go?
_ _
There's "The Donald" discord server as well.
I don't think you guys can hear me... Smth wrong with my vc, same as Jason's.
meh... it's not working!
Where do i find push to talk on mobile?
Oh, no! Did i offend thee @Crazy_Lunacy_78 ?
push to talk button
Also unmute your mic
i think... it used to be different. Or may be it was a different server, but I've had trouble getting it to work tonight on desktop via browser & app.
ah, makes sense, Smokie. Servers have different rules. Easy to get mixed up.
They have over exhausted the genre.
Oh, no... Connor is gone again? ๐
damn... that's one way to send mods into overdrive.
welp. poor dude... wasn't even trolling.
lol. for a hot sec i thought i was in <#729589817079496704>
Damn... another mod in chat. Just when it was getting intersting.
We want Connor back!
Talk about symbolism. New vatican!
You need to enable it in settings first.
u need to hold down the button to talk
So many people are having issues with getting it to work... I can only use it on the phone. Won't work on the laptop through browser, nor app.
humans are fish! mind blown.
Great video @ARCADEIUS. Going to send it to a friend of mine who is a Darwinian evolution zealot.
the club will reconvene I'm sure.
at least you are not a square
@CHEESE WATER r u struggling to get vc to work?
You need to enable push to talk in settings. The gear icon > voice & video
it has 3.9 rating on imdb...
Nothing new under the Sun. Still, one can strive for creativity and originality.
Questions are phrased weirdly in that test. Very leading.
Not a fair test then.
@mycrazyman239 mods prefer if you crop the memes. Makes it hard to scroll otherwise. You can edit it on your phone or laptop before posting.
@mycrazyman239 mods also don't allow talking in memes-only channels.
As far as I can see anyone who got it still retains the role.
where did the vid go? i was watching.
Interesting. Though I believe it doesn't say "ruin", but "rune". That particular one is a proto-germanic/indo-european one called Algiz or "elk-sedge". It doesn't have any negative connotations. Most commonly its meaning is associated with protection.
I always enjoy a good conspiracy theory ๐.
That critter i couldn't remember in chat last night? Trilobite.
He's been told a few times already. Dude's prolly tired of getting pinged. lol
LOL. U listen to MrSuicideSheep too @OffensiveTaco ?! i love that channel!
Where did that song go? i haven't listened to it yet.
There was a sound clip Arcadeius posted.
gear button >voice &video control
u figured it out!
turn your mic on
sure it's not covid?
<@!735588719427321946> text isn't allowed in memes only channels. you better remove, before a mod gives you warning
That meme will be considered as insulting the mod. You'll get a warn or kick. Better remove.
The meme was directed at the mod. It was kinda rude. Lucky Shen Bapiro went easy on Thunder. I've seen others yeeted off for similar stuff. Anyway, just didn't want Thunder to get in trouble unnecessarily.
Best not.
ah. i thought u might have been having issues with vc. had some earlier myself.
When was i yelling?
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