Team Yell Kammy
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I'm here from Zed's latest video.
Here's to hoping this will be a better place for freedom of speech without fear of being censored.
Imma be honest, I'm one of those silent people who are too scared to even speak out against left because I fear of being mobbed and cancelled. Hell even my landlord is leftist and she wants to see my voting ballot.
Indeed it is creepy. I'm gonna have to keep my political beliefs silent from her.
Oh damn, glad to see some awesome artwork here too!
I made that one based on how my ex kept on talking about how great communism is. Safe to say I'm glad I dumped her. Because when she got upset, she would act like an SJW.
Lol, and I avoided the bullet.
I mainly draw pokemon art. 😅
Also Ren dude, that looks nice up there!
> thanks! People on reddit said my anatomy needs work?
@Detective Koala To be honest, anyone can improve and become better. You artwork already looks amazing! But there is always room to improve, no matter how good anyone is.
For now, be proud of how great your artwork is, but don't stop improving either.
Ooooh! Sweet revenge. <a:Kai:448385771846631424>
No problem dude. I'm trying to become an artist myself, and I've learned some things. I've learned that trashing my own artwork will just hold me back.
I'm still trying to learn spanish myself. XD But I'd love to take my artwork and maybe use toward my black smithing career.
Oh! And in case you're wondering who's in my profile pic, that would be this Lycanroc. I'm hoping to try writing my own Pokemon Mystery Dungeon comic.
Oh hey! I'm glad to see more fans of eeveelutions. 😄
Of course, Vengence (below) is going to be the main character of the comic I hope to put together.
> Democrats can kiss my ass
<@!727298735922610216> Amen. XD
Yeah like apparently they think they're solving hate speech, but they know what petty shit they're doing. <:kappa:519753117135273985>
Thanks. First I gotta finish some other stuff I got first then write down the story.
> what they're actually doing is making more and more white people fall back into identity/tribal politics.
@Deplorable Me Yeah, and they're trying to push the agenda of how LGBT is so sacred and treat the groups like royalty. Smh
Hairy legs? 😂
I'm so done. XD
Same here mate
> that's why recent studies among gen-z are showing a lower acceptance of the LGBT movement than before Obama took office
@Deplorable Me LGBT is just basically a hate group on it's own since they hate staight white males.
Omg XD
I'm trying to avoid twitter since it's a cesspool of drama and pro SJW propaganda.
@SugarySorbet Speaking of animal crossing, I cringed when people tried to forcefully ship Flick and that Beaver guy as a gay couple.
> Honestly, most people are genuinely surprised when they find out I'm gay. And IMHO the "flamboyant" ones only do it for attention.
@pinghazard Like sonicfox?
Perfect! XD
Good to have a place where freedom of speech is not threatened
> Feel free to dm
@Hanimikyu Bout what?
<a:Kai:448385771846631424> Lmao
Kinda sad that I have to live in a liberal state. But I'm gonna stay strong.
By the way, anyone else disappointed that Dr Disrespect got banned from twitch?
> A lot of gay lefties say that if your a conservative and your gay, your not gay.
@SugarySorbet Oh that's some hypocritical bullshit right there. XD
The left: *Claims to support minorities.*
Also the left: If you're a minority who supports trump, you're not a minority.
I'm a christian myself, and I believe Jesus has already died for our sins. As long as we accept him as our lord and savior, then we're saved.
Oh! Awesome artwork dude!
Who's that?
Looks awesome
#BLUELIVESMATTER *Posts video of the blue man group*
> This has gotten me accused of fascism
@docdizzle666 idk what's so fascist about that. But knowing how the left is, they'll look for anything to be mad about. Stay strong dude.
Oh because "SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE NORDS!!" thing huh? XD
I know, I was just making a joke. XD
Also I never really knew about that with the language script switch.
> I commissioned this
@Corby Let's just hope the guys who made the protogen species won't try to harass you for using the species in a right wing pic. That'd be hell to deal with.
Perhaps I could learn some history to help with my blacksmithing career.
Imma read about some of that, I'm usually interested in the armor and weapons they used back then.
> They've done it before when i made a primagen only to see if I'd want one
> I don't even care what they say anymore
@Corby Yeah, I figured many furries would be left leaning and they're also very dramatic too. I can imagine they'd throw a fit if there something they don't agree with.
The shield wall? Isn't that where they bundle up together with their shields together with their swords and spears poking out the holes?
Not gonna lie, that was a pretty badass formation.
What? XD
Sup dudes!
Beautfiul. XD
Welp, I figured something was wrong with Tim Pool. I'm gonna quit watching his videos,
@Deplorable Me Is he still a trust worthy source though?
@Deplorable Me Ah, well that makes sense.
I'm more excited to see Trump completely body Biden.
Yeah, Biden would stand no chance considering how his mind is just slowly blowing away like dust. <a:Kai:448385771846631424>
Totally would. XD
It's when you see who's the fastest @Deleted User
I was laughing my ass off when I was putting this together. XD
I made it.
Unfortunate I couldn't align it well at the time.
It a new thing to learn but it's also hilarious.
Bruh I wanna see this original image for myself. XD
Not gonna lie, this cracked me up. XD
2020: I'm gonna be the best year ever
WWIII: Hold my nukes
Australia: Hold my bushfires
Indonesia: Hold my floodwater
Mosquitoes: Hold my dengue fever
Coronavirus: Hold my lung failure
Krakatoa: Hold my magma chamber
Rioters: Hold my fire bomb
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