Message from @aName
Discord ID: 746203875567992953
but the weakness of small women from an evolutionary standpoint is their small birth canal
they have problems having children due to the large human head relative to the small birth canal
but however fat women have a somewhat easier time giving birth
they have a larger birth canal
therefore, they are in a way a better potential mate as they can have children easier
subconciously, many people know that a larger birth canal is better to spread their seed and ensure survival of children
so henceforth we accept fat people
thats just my theory
criticism please?
Standards of beauty change with time and region. In medieval times, plump people were assumed to be getting plenty to eat regularly and were therefore desirable as providers and mates. I think the reason people are more accepting of fat people in today's age is a combination of sheer numbers of obese people, and the loose ideology that no one is to blame for anything, everyone is fine as they are that is pervading society.
I think that since 98% of human thought is subconcious, primal desires kind of overrule current politcal views for many
So I just learned about short selling, (a way to make a profit when you think a stock will go down) and I was thinking about short selling netflix
Short selling is weird, but basically you sell it, then buy it back when the price goes down
and profit by how much it goes down
I’ve been doing the same thing recently. My current “investment” target is ZOM.
is that the stock symbol for zoom?
I don't think I have the guts to pull a short sale off tho.
@kyzercube yeah must be the oil
I miss bender
I think I would do neither, but I don't know if I could resist the temptation.
So not too much a surprise but Andrew Yang is in support of Biden/Harris, the thing that gets me is he's supposed to be some anti-establishment left leaning businessman, I sort of figured once he was out he would still lean towards a non partisan candidate over the same ol' swamp.. guess I was naive.. not that I care about his politics I just found it curious.
In what position is Yang in?
What do you mean? @KyrosTheWarrior
In politics
Is he a governor
Wasn't he a democratic candidate
Yes he was
Just remember that Tulsi didn’t get an invite to the DNC
Funny thing is Hollywood drove away Justin Beiber. I think Beiber red pilled.
Lol nah. We don't want Bieber...
Apparently Bieber is a Christian now. He was a born again virgin or something then waited for marriage to have sex with his wife
We all have our journeys