Message from @Boll
Discord ID: 753668997366415381
I think.
That's good i guess
we say "sayhisname" cuz we are so outraged of how he died clearly these libtards dont give a fuck about him cuz his white
also kyle rittenhouse turned himself in but nah these tards are stillcrying about him 🙄
We live in a fucked up alternate version of what this country was supposed to be this year
> also kyle rittenhouse turned himself in but nah these tards are stillcrying about him 🙄
@CivilEngineer69 Holy crap, that’s a beautiful take.
Quit crying for Cannon Hinnant because his killer’s been apprehended! Now listen while we whine about a guy who shot our people and then turned himself in!
yup pretty much zzzz
also rittenhouse defended himself from guys trying to kill him, but taht guy shot cannon for no reason at all
plus they was pedos so that gets a +200 points
Apparently University of Michigan is getting hate for having a non POC zone and being called out for segregation.
I wonder if this attitude would be the same if we had exclusive POC zones.
Or if they criticized POC only dorms and graduations.
Aren’t Democrats just Demon Rats? Let’s just be honest here.
> Apparently University of Michigan is getting hate for having a non POC zone and being called out for segregation.
@diarkia124 If we are going to start applying logic to universities - I am leaving the room 😉
I wonder what Martin Luther King would think of this...
> Aren’t Democrats just Demon Rats? Let’s just be honest here.
@Jwolf I have some rat friends who would be offended by this comparison.
> I wonder what Martin Luther King would think of this...
@bigalexgaming I think he would be very, very sad, especially given the fact that most of the protesters that are white don't have a freaking clue what they are screaming about.
I want Trump to win the Nobel prize to see Dems reaction
i have real life school
weebs was removed by request of Zed
Oh dang, F
so it probably wont be back
i liked reading all the furries and weaboos talking (no creep)
That sucks. must've been because of the creepy images sometimes posted. Thats the problem with weebs, some are good, than others are just creepy.
Yeah agreed
I feel like if you've gone so far into it that the term weeb is applicable, you've crossed into creepy territory.
Weebs is a loose term I think, some people think it means someone who watches anime, and other people think its those people with bodypillows and crap.
Ha it just got removed too
That’s funny
@DontBeAnIdgit Thats why we are talking about it
hey is it bad that it feels like i black out when im drawing and wake up to a finished product?
That’s what happens when you draw in California <:FeelsVargMan:726877394991972382>
but im not in California
You mean the guy with the Confederate flag avatar isn’t in Commiefornia?
Well, that narrows it down to 49 states. Hmm... Alaska?