Message from @Ender87
Discord ID: 770350605822590996
*flashbacks to Mr Hashi*
Lol You’re good. I don’t have many skills but history is seriously my thing.
...Didn't mean to kill the conversation with a little humor. Please, carry on.
I was driving. Not a great time for paragraphs.
There’s truly so much more to go on about. But even Biden mentions, ever so briefly, about the “Johnson” incident in his ‘92 speech about “court-packing”.
And that’s the only speech I regard as genuine out of them all cause no seat was even on the line when he made it.
Oh the "bonehead move" speech
Thomas was confirmed before it and RBG after by Clinton in ‘93. So, it’s the only one from then till now I truly find honest...or at least, mostly genuine.
Acb gets confirmed today right? Hillary’s birthday present
Oh I saw that!!! Such a sweeeeeet gift.
Hillary has been hiding in the basement as well with Joe since 2016 😂
Apparently, she recently said she was “born to be President”. 🤣🤣🤣
hillary and joe playing fortnite in the basement with bill bringing the cheetos
I both love and hate that image. Thank you.
Hillary will be back in 2024 based on her 2008 and 2016 pattern, most likely
but you can only run twice, so I doubt she will
you can run as many times as you like
oh, ok nvm
Oh she’ll definitely be back. Why, I don’t know. She needs to learn to take a hint.
hey guys!
what happens if your in meme of the week?
All the memes get voted on, and the ones with the most votes often are used by Tyler in his videos.
If yours is the top voted one in a week, you get a special title.
Goes in <#725110151211778098> , Lamb.
Got it
How’s it going?
Me? Bouncing around a bit, multitasking.
Planning on going upstairs soon, try to get some stuff done.
Nice. Don’t have too much fun. 🤣
I haven't done any craftwork for a week. I have to make a drastic change to a project, and if I screw up it's ruined.
So I've been procrastinating heavily.
Oh man. Well definitely good luck with that!
I feel that. Hardcore.