Message from @DontBeAnIdgit
Discord ID: 754075373263781950
antifa are terrorists change my mind
can Steven Crowder do a change my mind where he says that?
rip David Dorn
> antifa are terrorists change my mind
@DrewDaPilot no
He did
> can Steven Crowder do a change my mind where he says that?
@DrewDaPilot he did BLM are terrorists
on antifa terrorists?
Pete Davidson is an asshole. He made fun of Dan Crenshaw, then had a suicide scare, Crenshaw reached out to him. Then a year later Davidson said that he regretted doing the bit about Crenshaw because "I made him famous" or some stupid stuff
I gotta see that
the white racist liberals were prolly crying
I was thinking maybe, "Biden is not fit to be President: Change My Mind"
Too vague
lol ya
did yall hear about
the racist cafeteria?
I trapped the commie in a corner
How about...
the segregation at University Michigan?
They make fun of Trump for being overweight but we have proof that he plays at least golf and tennis. Wtf does Biden do?
the 'colored people' and 'white people' cafe?
I once killed a commie
I applaud you
Does him chasing after small children count as cardio for him?
yes o dod
its depressing
i heard about the segregation
Biden rides a bicycle and a muscle car.
Most blm protestors are white I swear 😂
like, there isnt real racism, so the left has to introduce it
actual racism
the KKK advocates for segregation, and like fools, BLM went along with it
He rides alot of things really...
"Muscle car" counts as his lifting day