
Discord ID: 753763545136627722

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lol thanks

> Let's nuke weebs
@Diabeł Boruta I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

what's the black lives matter one called?

This cat needs to check his sanity

Also, how is 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' a political question lol

Have fun weebs

> @[TDE] Smokie
> Bruh france hates Americans
@Split_beard (PS4) Not in the revolution

They hated the British back then in the 1700s

> If we end up doing reperations then i want reperations from Britain
@Split_beard (PS4) oopsie

You'd make some fine stew with that 😂

I mean you are a commie slayer

YOu technically identify as god

hello people

You guys heard about Candance and Cardi b on tiwtter?

They do if they get a high amount of exposure. I'm not sure netflix would remove that show though

Even 1 sister still pisses me off a tonne

I can't imagine having 8 lol

The mother probably started to enjoy child birth 😂

a professional basketballer

My mother is 5' And my dad is 5'6 /:

@Deleted User Reading that sentence, big ed popped into my mind

He's 4' though

I like bonding over chicken...

People use all sorts of emoticons on announcement lmao

He's about to expose everyome

I'm good thanks


Knotty is being exposed rn

Can you give your wife a warning

*gets kicked*

and I am over 13

> Imagine bring modded by Joe Biden
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG He'd forget he was a mod everyday

He was hair hungry

well he dead

His mission failed

He'll get 'em next time.

> what did he say?
@Boneless Jungle Ham He was just pinging everyone

unless it's trolling /:

I'd like that ham on a cheese toastie

Imagine coating the strawberry in pepperoni 😂

When the split beard comments saying you are 'animals', you know you've messed up

He'd be dead by now

Even if he didn't shot himself

Maybe he didn't get his sandwich on time

> If trump gets elected, I feel there will be riots
@Max4Z There will be

Yeah he'd be like 100 by now

since he served in ww1

> its not unheard of to see 100 year old people.
@Boneless Jungle Ham Yeah, but he was born in 1889. No one lives to be like 130

Yeah he was way too old

to survive

We're a christian minecraft server over here

Fair enough

> I want to live somewhere cold
@Lucario Come to England

Well it's just wet not cold

> Im growing my leg hair out for joe biden
@Buddyterrifico May wanna get some perfume so he enjoys the sniffing

joe biden be like hello sir

Planned parenthood royale

We making a cardi b song 😂

Lil pump then lol

Ngl though, rape is like 5% of abortion cases

Most of the time it's consensual sex but they didn't have protection

@Deleted User And she'll be like 'hOw DaRe YoU'

> Isn't fortnite free ?
@Buddyterrifico It is

On xbox you need live though

o technically it's not

What's your tag lol

Now that's a cool name

I shoulda changed my name to Little Saint James

> pedo island

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