Message from @DT99

Discord ID: 773642920401174528

2020-11-04 20:19:58 UTC  

They bring the Votes into Wi

2020-11-04 20:19:58 UTC  

> @Tyler Zed do you think there is voter fraud
@Rando Likely yes, a lot of head scatching things in places like Wisconsin and Michigan

2020-11-04 20:19:58 UTC  

what is going on with WI?????

2020-11-04 20:20:03 UTC  

I wouldn't doubt voter fraud.

2020-11-04 20:20:04 UTC  

> @Ok be nice
@VulpesVulpes nah I live in california and I hate it here too lmao

2020-11-04 20:20:04 UTC  

Bruh tyler is like that one famous dude we like to ask questions a lot

2020-11-04 20:20:05 UTC  

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption Arizona gave Republicans sharpys so the machine cant read them

2020-11-04 20:20:06 UTC  

> @Tyler Zed what will you do for content after the election? I’m curious
@IronSword33 Cheating compilation.

2020-11-04 20:20:07 UTC  

> @Mooseybroo I'm so sorry you're there 🥺
@MajorJiggle Moving to Nevada in 2 months. Voting red for the rest of my life

2020-11-04 20:20:09 UTC  

Trump camp says theyll win AZ narrowly but sounds like conjecture

2020-11-04 20:20:12 UTC  

the communities only sample a small part of their respective demographics, cause they shun others to form echo chambers

2020-11-04 20:20:12 UTC  

> Dude my coworker told me they found 188k mail votes under a rock in AZ!!
I find this number highly unlikely personally. that's a lot of vote in arizona

2020-11-04 20:20:24 UTC  

WI went blue a while ago

2020-11-04 20:20:25 UTC  

Tyler, what's going on in MN? It went blue lol

2020-11-04 20:20:27 UTC  

I like how Tyler actually talks to his subscribers it’s really nice to see he’s not one of those stuck up you tubers who thinks they’re better than everyone else

2020-11-04 20:20:33 UTC  

im looking at the 2016 election map and current one, trump is winning despite what media says something is fucked up in WI

2020-11-04 20:20:39 UTC  

> I find this number highly unlikely personally. that's a lot of vote in arizona
@Nope Under a rock...sure, that makes so much validity

2020-11-04 20:20:42 UTC  

lawyer speaking to crowder fraud in MI

2020-11-04 20:20:44 UTC  


2020-11-04 20:20:45 UTC  

> I like how Tyler actually talks to his subscribers it’s really nice to see he’s not one of those stuck up you tubers who thinks they’re better than everyone else
@Seal God bless TZ! Great community you have here.

2020-11-04 20:20:54 UTC  


2020-11-04 20:20:58 UTC  

do all of nebraskas votes go to trump?

2020-11-04 20:21:04 UTC  

I wonder if Tyler would greet me if I said hi.

2020-11-04 20:21:04 UTC  

There is a reason the media hasn't said Biden won. It is because they know what is going to happen.

2020-11-04 20:21:12 UTC  

@Tyler Zed Have you ever considered doing a show like Crowder?

2020-11-04 20:21:13 UTC  

They bring fake ballots to Wi

2020-11-04 20:21:16 UTC  

If it is to the point where fake news places are saying something is wrong about Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona than you know they fucked up

2020-11-04 20:21:20 UTC  

> do all of nebraskas votes go to trump?
@j a y d e n Biden got one, thanks Lincoln...

2020-11-04 20:21:27 UTC  

> @Tyler Zed Have you ever considered doing a show like Crowder?
@DT99 that would be awesome

2020-11-04 20:21:31 UTC  

we don't need either michigan or wisconsin as long as we get NC, PA, and nevada

2020-11-04 20:21:43 UTC  

Nevada goes blue

2020-11-04 20:21:46 UTC  

I wouldn't have a platform without you guys so I'm thanful you're all here! There is hope still for Trump guys, the battle is just starting. Is it what we wanted? no, but there's still paths to victory

2020-11-04 20:21:47 UTC  

Tyler is perfection with that wooden flag behind him and his close up reactions

2020-11-04 20:21:51 UTC  

Getting Nevada isnt to likely

2020-11-04 20:21:57 UTC  

They should never of allowed mail in ballots for people unless they were in the military

2020-11-04 20:21:58 UTC  

I got this from a friend... "If Biden wants to win, he needs Nevada, AZ, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Hawaii (Biden is currently leading in votes in these states)
that brings him to 271
If Trump wants to win, he needs Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alaska (Trump is currently leading in these states)
that brings Trump to 267
so he is going to need to steal a state from Biden and the most likely is Wisconsin or Michigan since the votes are right next to each other and we don't know who will win in these. (Last I checked both parties were at 49%)"

2020-11-04 20:22:09 UTC  

> Nevada goes blue
No, Biden is ahead only 8k

2020-11-04 20:22:13 UTC  

@Tyler Zed I’m sorry but no we did lose I wish it was like that but there’s no way they use their cheats to win

2020-11-04 20:22:13 UTC  

If Biden wins, will he permanently damage our police force?

2020-11-04 20:22:13 UTC  

138k votes dont magically appear out of nowhere