Mortal Kombat Nerd

Discord ID: 686320257169752137

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<:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288>

Never forget

Hey sorry I haven't been on for a while. Had school and everything


That debate is gonna be a Trump win

Since Biden cant even remember where the key goes

Why wont you debate me

I love Freedomtoons


Also how many of you lost respect to any actor or youtuber who keeps on retweeting stuff that isnt even true about the police officers

I lost respect to Illymation because she really went at it and basically called the American flag racist and police officers racist and homophobes

Check her Twitter

You know I felt bad for her about her abusive boyfriend story. I still do but damn it any respect I had is done

Yeah and she just goes on and on about how "She is pan or bi" or "Police Officers should be defunded" and talking shit about American and believe it or not the Soldiers as well

Dont even get me started on Jelloapocalypse. I'm suprised he is still getting subscribers

Remember that Vote video?

Well his Twitter is a massive one of saying "Orange Man Bad"

"Dont vote for a color. But vote for blue"

"And Trump is bad even when doing good"

Yeah at least these guys got nothing on a small YouTuber Comic Drake. The same youtuber which I was on the discord server and was attacked for saying "I support police"

I said "Look if you are BLM I'm fine with it. But I support cops"

And and I was attacked alot for it. They even asked if I was white. Which I said yes and they said you get privilege. Which I showed them evidence that I dont

I have the pictures of one them FULL on attacking me

It is almost like they have no idea what racism is. And how is it not racist to call a white guy curtain names?

Yes there is only racism

Also how is it racist to say "All Lives Matter"?

Someone on a discord server I'm on said "I'm Democrat because it is the lesser evil"

I was laughing like crazy man

The party that founded the KKK is the lesser evil?

And I'm a 17 year old who just destroyed a 22 year old liberal with facts

I want to but my birthday is on Nov 1st and it is gonna take awhile since Virginia law is complete bs

Same here

I love my president

@Stargatemaster96 you can? AWESOME!!!!

I feel like the only states that isnt doing BLM is Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming. And not the USSA

Aka Austin

I feel bad for Texas having Austin

Texa most Republican state has one of the most liberal city's ever

I hear Texans are going to California?

No one likes California

We still have hope for Texas. Please Jesus don't make it Blue

My state is blue and I hate it here


Can I move to West Virginia?

Please I hate it here. What happened to Virginia? I mean it looks Red on the map

It is now map

Virginia used to be a VERY Republican state now it is hell

What made you a Republican @Benjamin.?

Hey so I have a question

Why does the left HATE chirstaninty?

But yet they sympathize to a religion that is violent

Look I was a Atheist before I found god and I'm glad i found god

And I was before a liberal. But since i found out actual facts and watched alot of Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, and Owen Shroyer I became a Republican. So yeah I am VERY glad I am no longer a liberal

I've been a conservative for about a year now

And I love it

I also have been looking to serve. As a firefighter for Virginia Beach Fire Department

Well I'm just trying to get myself in shape for it right now

Serving the country differently

Was kinda expired to be one due to the 9/11 incident and the Granite Mountain Hotshots

Also why are athletes kneeling for the national anthem?

My dad was in the Navy. My uncle served as a Marine. And my dads cousin was in Iraq. And my dads cousin lost many friends there. So them kneeling for the flag that is disrespecting them

I have alot of history of family in the military. My Grandfather was in Vietnam. My dad has two uncles there. My dad had another uncle in Korea. Two great Grandfathers who were in WW2 one of them lost a friend and blames himself for his death. And two in the Civil War

And yet my uncle who was in Afghanistan said and I quote "I served my country and this is the respect I get in return? What a bunch of pussys"

Even my dad who was in the Navy said "I served for this country and let all you show in return is kneeling. Fuck this" my Grandfather was also disappointed since he was in Vietnam and he was disrespected when he came home

Dont even get me started on LeBron James

That disrespectful China loving piece of shit

I thought the rock was conservative

I'm just watching Owen Shroyer right now

And God I love him destroying the liberals

Who is adding this emojis?


I saw a bunch of Biden signs today

How much for a Trump sign?

Hey so what does people here think of InfoWars?

Where you get that? MSNBC?

Damn it

Got this today

Oh I took the picture the other way because my camera sucks so it is on selfie side sorry @Aletro

I love America

Well I plan on joining VB fire department

Was planning on being in the military but my mom threatened me to not join. Was thinking cop but than the left happened. So firefighter it is


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