Message from @spicerunner

Discord ID: 774294215856750632

2020-11-06 15:26:57 UTC  

Maybe this was why ACB was confirmed?

2020-11-06 15:27:03 UTC  

@๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ GrPilot9 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ we hold of the communist for four more years

2020-11-06 15:27:04 UTC  

> at least we know that the military is on our side but if biden gets in they have to follow his orders
@Dudgemaster Though there could be outrageous things and they could fight back by not listening to his orders, idk but maybe.

2020-11-06 15:27:12 UTC  

people watch this video i sent

2020-11-06 15:27:18 UTC  

> The court system is a very unpredictable thing
@Solaris its in supreme court, where Amy Comey Barret is, we got some good people on our side

2020-11-06 15:27:20 UTC  

Wtf Georgia and Pennsylvania

2020-11-06 15:27:20 UTC  

they saw this comming that why they chose ACB

2020-11-06 15:27:22 UTC  

Idk guys I think we lost

2020-11-06 15:27:22 UTC  

would anyone here fuck a karen

2020-11-06 15:27:34 UTC  

@Sante Jeeeeeeez

2020-11-06 15:27:52 UTC  

@cyberpunk not a chance

2020-11-06 15:27:59 UTC  

> no mather what trump does in court noone will ever accept it and keep at biden won
@Night no if the court rules in trump's favor then it has to be accepted. the law is the law

2020-11-06 15:27:59 UTC  

Lol Democrats saying this election is fair when they said it was fraud in 2016

DEMOCRATS What happened to your beliefs in collusion!

2020-11-06 15:28:00 UTC  

Brothers, I've never seen an easier victory in my life before

@spicerunner Wait a minute, youโ€™re telling me if we win in court; trump will win the election and have four more years?!?!?

2020-11-06 15:28:17 UTC  

> would anyone here fuck a karen
@cyberpunk never stick your d**k in crazy, unless the hotness surpasses the crazy by at least 3x ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-11-06 15:28:22 UTC  

> @spicerunner Wait a minute, youโ€™re telling me if we win in court; trump will win the election and have four more years?!?!?
@๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ GrPilot9 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ yes

2020-11-06 15:28:31 UTC  

@๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ GrPilot9 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ yes exactly, biden will get disqualified


2020-11-06 15:28:46 UTC  

> @spicerunner Wait a minute, youโ€™re telling me if we win in court; trump will win the election and have four more years?!?!?
@๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ GrPilot9 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

2020-11-06 15:28:52 UTC  

> @spicerunner Wait a minute, youโ€™re telling me if we win in court; trump will win the election and have four more years?!?!?
@๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ GrPilot9 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ um yes? thats how bush won

2020-11-06 15:28:54 UTC  

I have hope that we will win in court

2020-11-06 15:29:01 UTC  

6/3 Republican Majority!

2020-11-06 15:29:09 UTC  

I knew watergate was a joke compared To the Democrat scandal

2020-11-06 15:29:10 UTC  

Don't loose yours

2020-11-06 15:29:18 UTC  

We WILL win in COURT, I have spoken.

2020-11-06 15:29:19 UTC  

Stay strong guys n gals. You can still get this

2020-11-06 15:29:24 UTC  

Snag the courts Prez Cheeto!

2020-11-06 15:29:35 UTC  

@Snowball ๐ŸŽ 5/4 majority Roberts sides with the libs 95%

2020-11-06 15:29:39 UTC  

I thought the court rulings were for recounts

2020-11-06 15:29:41 UTC  

you know what biden doesnt have he doesnt have prays

2020-11-06 15:29:46 UTC  


2020-11-06 15:29:47 UTC  

Im still going off grid in spring tho. Lol.

2020-11-06 15:29:59 UTC  

This is the way.

2020-11-06 15:30:03 UTC  

Done with this mess.

2020-11-06 15:30:06 UTC  

In other news, my daughter shares her birthday with the Marines next week

2020-11-06 15:30:17 UTC  

Because there are two scenarios
either ou accept what happened on Election day. Trump won by a lot everywhere.
or you accept what happened after. They go more mail in ( even tho a judge ruled not to ) and it was all for joe exactly as much needed for him to win each state.
the Court should decide the first case since we have so much proof of fraud ( covered windows, sharpies, boxes takin in/out overnight )

2020-11-06 15:30:18 UTC  

yes trump is going to win but we need to fight we need to speak people

2020-11-06 15:30:29 UTC  

If you submit to the results you will be a the force the turns America into Harris and Bidens Utopia