Message from @HurtfulMonday

Discord ID: 774848423907688469

2020-11-08 04:09:09 UTC  

> @Apathetic is it official now?
@bambu no. We're in court

2020-11-08 04:09:20 UTC  

> @bambu no. We're in vourt
@newt-gecko-goat oh ok, good.

2020-11-08 04:09:26 UTC  

Oh didn’t know that

2020-11-08 04:09:26 UTC  

For now we are for trump until our next

2020-11-08 04:09:31 UTC  

Can we all just accept the fact we lost. Even though it may have been rigged!

2020-11-08 04:09:34 UTC  

Why must the first females in power be shoe ins? The first female congresswoman was only a representavltive because her husband died and they had no one else to fill his seat
Now the first female president is literally going to be a VP take over
Imagine the first black president being a VP and that’s the only way they could become prez,

2020-11-08 04:09:44 UTC  

So is coronavirus gone now that Biden is pres elect? lmao

2020-11-08 04:09:58 UTC  

he's not president elect yet

2020-11-08 04:09:58 UTC  

A rigged election doesn't mean a lost election

2020-11-08 04:10:14 UTC  

> So is coronavirus gone now that Biden is pres elect? lmao
@Sai oh yaaaaa they'll find out when over million people dead from covid in america

2020-11-08 04:10:18 UTC  

why is everyone thinking biden won already?? do they not know how elections work

2020-11-08 04:10:23 UTC  

Neither Biden nor Kamala will make it to the presidency. edit: i aint sayin they gonna die, they just wont be p/vp

2020-11-08 04:10:36 UTC  

> why is everyone thinking biden won already?? do they not know how elections work
@GotatoChi Biden isnt president until he's sworn in

2020-11-08 04:10:53 UTC  

yeah and he's not president elect until the states say he is

2020-11-08 04:10:55 UTC  

We're really not going to have a civil war, but a lot of little battles over property

2020-11-08 04:10:56 UTC  

Isn5 Trump still in office for like 40 days after?

2020-11-08 04:10:58 UTC  

> @GotatoChi Biden isnt president until he's sworn in
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty not till like January 20 2021

2020-11-08 04:10:58 UTC  

There was a guy on this server who ran an algorithm to show the exact ballot sent and received date of those 14000 dead lads in Detroit. Turned out only around one third of those 14000 actually voted and got their ballots received. Most voters were from the 1910s onwards to 1920s. the oldest voted person on the list is 118 y/o, the second oldest was born in January 1906, there are a lot of people from 1907 as well. There is a significant number of people who sent in their ballots but were not received. Regarding the validity of all those IDs, around 98-99% were valid. Conclusion: Yeah the system is broken, but not as broken as what i imagined.

2020-11-08 04:10:59 UTC  

I mean it's official until they inevitably get taken to court for fraud

2020-11-08 04:11:00 UTC  

The left is that desperate they want to call it early

2020-11-08 04:11:17 UTC  

they already are in court for fraud

2020-11-08 04:11:20 UTC  

Remember bush v gore. MSM declared Gore the winner til ynow-

2020-11-08 04:11:42 UTC  

But if it goes well for us Trump may very well be president

2020-11-08 04:11:47 UTC  

Google is also doing their best to censor all conservative media until January if i remember correctly

2020-11-08 04:11:55 UTC  

@Sai peperage farms remembers

2020-11-08 04:11:59 UTC  

> But if it goes well for us Trump may very well be president
@Apathetic he will

2020-11-08 04:12:00 UTC  

As per usual

2020-11-08 04:12:05 UTC  

its not even official, Biden declared himself president elect... its laughable

2020-11-08 04:12:08 UTC  

Nothing is official until after December 14th. How do we not know what the electoral college is? It isn’t a simple formality

2020-11-08 04:12:09 UTC  

Either way we as citizens will need to form militia and quell the violence. And if we do that, then I really believe that the police deserve to be defunded

2020-11-08 04:12:10 UTC  

keep B/H on elect drugs for now and watch them have withdrawal symptoms when the title gets stripped

2020-11-08 04:12:16 UTC  

@HurtfulMonday they're always desperate for something to happen when they don't have a life outside of their hivemind

2020-11-08 04:12:20 UTC  


2020-11-08 04:12:25 UTC  

"Biden could wrap his own Christmas presents and still be surprised."

2020-11-08 04:12:32 UTC  

He better... @Deleted User

2020-11-08 04:13:00 UTC  

> Chances of Trump flipping GA and AZ tonight he's been getting massive leads
@Deleted User chances of Trump wining is extremly high cause the supreme court and the massive voter fraud evidence against biden

2020-11-08 04:13:00 UTC  


2020-11-08 04:13:03 UTC  

@Poco biden would start wrapping it and forget halfway through then stick the scissors up his ass

2020-11-08 04:13:05 UTC  

@chimchim their life basically revolves around what happens on their social media feeds

2020-11-08 04:13:15 UTC  

> Chances of Trump flipping GA and AZ tonight he's been getting massive leads
@Deleted User can you send a link with more information?