Discord ID: 469612793184911360
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So does everyone here support tump?
I'm surprised Discord hasn't taken this down haha
Have I done anything wrong?
I think he meant how serious covid is was the hoax, not that it doesn't exist. Because let's be real here this virus is so deadly you have to be tested to know that you have it.
Covid has a 99.9% recovery rate, so I really don't know why they're making such a big deal out of it
It's insanity you guys
I want to go to Disneyland
Apparently they've expressed how they aren't impressed with the California government
They are the ones not letting them open
That's horrible
So I'm arguing with this libtard, she tells me trump is a white supremacist and she wants him to die.
Ok that makes sense
I used to be friends with her then she found out I'm conservative
She's mocked me ever since
If someone is willing to throw away a friendship because of different opinions, then yeah ig
I'm Joe Biden and I forgot this message
It actually happened a long time ago
I got over it but it hurt like hell when it happened
I mean it was just because she had other friends with her that night and they were ganging up on me
So it was a mess
I guess so
Of course
Yeah it did
Every time she sees me lately she just chants "trump supporter trump supporter!"
In public btw
I go to a BMX track to ride my bike
And if people find out I have these values my reputation will be done
It's high school
Shes 14 or 15
I'm older tho
I used to be friends with her then she found out I'm conservative
So she makes fun of me and stuff
It's sad that all the conservatives are silent
If she hadn't started questioning me I wouldn't be in this mess
I don't think she has discord
But yea
a twinkie
BLM more like burn, loot, murder
It's funny because democrats are the most racist people if you think about it. They always make it about race
Tucker is awesome
Steven Crowder is also pretty epic
@Max4Z Yes
Banned probably
I just got banned form this libtard server
I said I was lefty but I said trump has done good things for the country
I need to learn how to argue better, if I feel like I'm losing I panic and say weird stuff
Thats what libs do
Me too
It barely is
Trump is a genious
@Lambton do you like trump?
I sure do
Covid is so harmless
The media milks ir
Looks like a troll
crack it
it probably goes like mach 5
Do you guys ever get retarded triggered SJWs coming in and raging at you?
No I am
It's a truck trying to be a trophy truck
If it was a trophy truck it wouldn't have half died upon that impact
I'm asking a question my guy
I'm the one who want to know
So this same bitch keeps yelling "TRUMP SUPPORTER" at me in public, I'm pissed
It's not in school
At a bicycle park
Are you referring to Trump or Biden? @Kaladin
Ok good
I was gonna say
Let's be real here... the only way Biden will win is if they cheat.
I'm not sure if mail-in-voting will happen, but if it does, they'll cheat their way to electing Biden. And yeah, if Biden is elected the country is going to crumble.
Trump actually needs to win
Funny, the left says Biden needs to win
Apparently Governor Newsom said California theme parks (Both Disney parks, Six Flags, Seaworld, Knott's, CGA, Discovery Kingdom and more) will NOT reopen any time soon. No wonder Shapiro says that state is a hell hole.
My family either travels to California or Orlando. Guess we're sticking to Orlando.
How so
2020 is gay
D is just sad
I suck at school but I don't get D's
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