
Discord ID: 352279147659264001

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I hate wisconsin now

Well boys we gave it all we got

Biden is now going to be our curropt president

If you look ALOT of countys in nevada ARE LEANING TRUMP

Ecept major citys

If your a democrat and you see a black person vote for trump your unacceptable in there eyes SOO... DO BLACK LIVES ACTUALLY MATTER?



<:RotatedSemiFullyAutomatic:761629946564575242> <:RotatedSemiFullyAutomatic:761629946564575242> <:RotatedSemiFullyAutomatic:761629946564575242> <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785> <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785> <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785> <:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>

@BecnPat29 i doubt it but it could happen

@BecnPat29 doesnt matter they wont prove anything 🤷

We gave it all we got! Gg to president Joe Biden the kid sniffer 😞

Say goodbye guys!



<:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:BanHammer:767180158100570158> <:RotatedSemiFullyAutomatic:761629946564575242> <:BanHammer:767180158100570158>

Wow i got warned for spamming


Georgia will be flipped within an hour

Georgia is now within 31,306 5,574! Less then last time 😞


> Trump wont lose georgia
@uncle steve kiem he is

> He will keep the lead unless the left pulls some stupid shit like they did with Michigan & Winsconsin
@uncle steve kiem eaxctly

There going to keep "finding" more biden votes

> It says Georgia is 2,395,944 to
> 2,427,250 Trump
@ASCENDING ALLIGATOR TRIANGLE and it goes down 5k each time

I cant even vote 🤣

> I literally "hated" trump argued every day over it, posted fuxk the police on facebook. Stop using social media and actually looked at the numbers? Guess what. Cops kill 0.0003% of african americans in this country. Seeing those videos everyday on facebook makes you think it HAPPENS EVERYDAY
@Junaluska999 Emily/ACAB/BLM/🏳️‍🌈 is typing...

> @C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ i dont get it? If you are implying im someone else, youve never met me in voice chat so oh well. 24, black, male, AR, USA
@Junaluska999 it was a joke

> AZ can flip
@Surjux that will happen but georgia is flipping

> @C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ went over my damn afro bro, no offense taken or given
@Junaluska999 i was making a joke as to a liberal emily girl leftist it typing on snapchat

> @kapitanJ they called it too early. The .gov site has trump leading MI now.
@Big Green WHERE!???!!

> @Nope CNN
@r𝓪d𝓲o𝓪c𝓽i𝓿e CNN is a bunch of leftist

Yoooo its arizona still counting for tonight?

> How are y’all feeling about Pennsylvania rn
@ChoPapa the gap is getting smaller and smaller

Yooooo did i miss anything ive been gone for around 20 mins

How is the recount in wiscosin going?

Are they recounting in wiscosin?

Where can i have updates on recounts?

Blue is kinda sus VOTE HIM OUT

Blue was an imposter....



> @C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ its still at 30-40k gap hopefully it will hold
@Kouang Tcheo Wan 25k actually

> @luminoussun is probably a biden supporter trying to demoralize us
> @C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ fuck
@Kouang Tcheo Wan i never said that??

> They be cheating in Georgia
@Dr. Taco oh yea there pulling vote for biden out there ass

> @r𝓪d𝓲o𝓪c𝓽i𝓿e there are 19,000 votes left in de kalb, Biden needs 25,000 to tie with trump
@dbel so does that guarantee us the win?

> michigan is still 51.07% trump to 47.35% biden
@GotatoChi michigan is already called for biden??

Bro those counts are behind! We lost michigan

> gop lawyer already exposed it
@[1L32]superofficerjustin where

Is there even a chance of Trump winning arizona?

> @C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ Yeah. Especially if the sharpie crap gets investigated.
@MechaKnuckles will the sharpue thing get investigated?

> @C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ there is a chance but it is slim
@-Fiji- what about nevada

Is it even safe for me not to worry at school tommorow?

> georgis .4 lead
@goodartgod ofc its narrowing there "finding" more votes

> How is georgia not fucking done counting it's been 97% done for 3 days
@Mcgoober 98% for like 4 hours

> georgia why u not report fully aight
@ryan mythsword because they need more biden votes

> 3 minutes arizona confirmed
@Commander Crisis whats the total in arizona

I doubt georgia will stop counting till biden is winning


There just randomly"FINDING" VOTES FOR BIDEN


"i gotta uh gotta hairy legs that that that that turn that that turn blonde in the sun"- Joe Biden

MAYBE they haulted votes for tonight so they can sneak more biden vots in <:thinking:726878987837636698>

"im a proud democrat running for the senate"-Joe Biden

Someone explain what recounting is does that mean they go over everything and make sure its valid

Ugghhhhh i gotta get up in 5 hours

> I still have yet to find a racist or homophobic Trump quote someone enlighten me
@black cyborg Jubei me too

> "abraham lincoln here is one of the most racist president we've had in modern history"
@Kouang Tcheo Wan took the words right off ny keyboard

"im joe bidens husband and kamala harrises running mate.... Yall think im kidding dont you 😏"

Why is antifa.com joe bidens website🤔

<:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776> <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785>

Is georgia done for tonight?

> @C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ not yet not enough Biden votes
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG there probably on the streets asking for people to vote for biden

> I think GA and NC will go Trump (now hopefully NV and AZ flip red and then maybe Michigan and Pennsylvania????)
@ryan mythsword if he gets nevada we WIN

Arizona and pennsylvania are the exact same thing yet democrats are winning arizona... But they called arizona why not call pennsylvania yet

Alright Trump soldiers (no offense to actual soldiers) im am off to bed!

We not talking how ARIZONA has a 46k difference now

> @dbel The only question is if thats going to be enough
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) sadly not

Just called Wohan for biden


Jow biden gets president then 🇺🇲 emoji is now banned

Joe biden for resident

Oh were losing? Ok lets pour more biden votes in

How much yall wanna bet there putting in more biden vote in arizona Right Now


> Since when did biden take georgia
@Seal idk i just got up and biden is ahead

> Under Georgia state Law there will be an automatic recount.
@Colonel bring in our damn military to count not these idiots

Georgia be like

We lost this election FAIR AND SQUARE

> @C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ nope. I'm not listening. Lalalalalala
@newt-gecko-goat lmao i used CAPS lock because its full of CAP

Hows the re counts going 😂

> Hows the re counts going 😂
@C̶y̶a̶n̶i̶d̶e̶I̶s̶G̶u̶d̶ just a general question

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