Message from @Tervy
Discord ID: 377155219714342913
couldnt it just be retards who built up some static and then touch their laptops?
nope its serious enough specialy if you touch radiators while touching the macbook
wtf lol
they did fix that on newer models though, hopefully?
not that well
what about plastic unibody <:benis:239668961011040257>
very hi quarity prastic? <:aliOK:251417852156837888>
also that it was designed to break in 2 parts
this what caused sparks
I have an MBP at work, mid 2015 top spec one and I have two power adapters: one with ground and one not. The ungrounded loads the whole macbook surface electrostatically. Hard to describe, like when you touch a CRT screen
and this what gave nice wakeup if touched
all in normal use
the plastic they used for the cord was shit
also their insulators were never meant to withstand anyform of bending
yeah their charging cables are shit
my mom has an iphone and the cable is such a fucking mess
so the outer steelmesh layer poked tru to leads and startter melting some plastic
that and sparks everytime you connect or disconnect it due too small tolerance on ground-pin
but spark is a spark and it can set up flamable (gasses)
then there is the legendary eggbaking unibody mistakes
og boy were they fun
89-100*c on pyrometer while under heavy load
only on some patches tho
they probly switched to cheaper glu---thermalpaste or something
mine, too
the two fans are horrible underpowered when it came to heat production of MBB
and throttles af
and usualy they shipped 1 of them stuck
Just looks like it dehydrated the egg tbh
is it confirmed that that iphone x faceid while sleeping thing is legit?
Do you sleep facing your phone?
im referring to this
come on that's nothing new
my gf took my phone once while I was sleeping and used my finger to unlock it
fingerprint also works when you sleep
that's not a new concern