Message from @Shadow town
Discord ID: 760222763046141962
gonna be a popcorn worthy show
mecolm x would have been presadent if jew and zionist has not killed him
I am so excited
Imagine if joe made just 1 coherent statement without the use of a teleprompter
U know they're doping Joe to get him through his softball interviews with cardi Bs gross ass pussy
Mecolm X? LOL
@Lucario nah
Sounds like a rapper
> Imagine if joe made just 1 coherent statement without the use of a teleprompter
@Lucario the media will say he won
zoin wanted melcom dead same zionist that supported blm same zoinist that killed melcome x a true cival right leader for black men
The media will say he won regardless my friend
Trump is going to destroy joe tomorrow I'm buying snacks and drinks for the occasion
I already bought snacks
i dont know maybe
I bought popcorn and pepsi
Mountain Dew and Doritos
he's infiltrating actual BLM groups
@Shadow town he isn't we went over this earlier
Y u wanna join?
this is funny
im a white supremacist
@DrewDaPilot please don't spam here.
sorry for the spam my keyboard/discord glitched
Lol nope I’m good
it wasnt delivering and delivered it like 3 times
idk what happened
Thanks for the offer have fun infiltrating servers