Kamidere Sargon of akkad

Discord ID: 757660941939638312

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ill debeat vc

i thought this pro free speech

there alot sjw here

aspsecialy right wing sjws

i speak agenst ligitcy isreal with out geting ban

supporting isreal is not righ wing postion

supporting isreal is comunuist posision

i am musliam

islaim is right wing religion

@rick harrison musliam are anti feminist and anti leftes

@rick harrison i hate fake conservitive more then i hate liberels

tell me what are conservative vauls

conservative vauls is preserve culture and tridion

and preserve morle vaul and man right freedom and relegion

most musliam support conservitive christion vaul becuse similer to our vauls

we beleive in jesus too

it true islam and christanty would make better allies then with isreal

you don't know my vauls

yes am american i was in born deer borne mi

@Wardog why are you comparing to hunter

i am more conservitale then all of you

you know know what conservitive vaule are

consertive are supose to be anti gay yet there are gay people that are running as republican

women should not get involeved in politic they should help rise family

you guys are neo conservative

most conservative women are grifter

@Wardog what is grifter since your so smart

3 sec to anwer

a grifter is a person who get paid to shill for a political said

most e girls are bimbo they don't know shite about politc

how dare you call me troll do think am laugthing

@Wardog want you i have not seen a photo

@Wardog your probiby egirl

i am not a leftest

i am pretty right wing on alot of issues

@Jwolf there only 2 genders

@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty only to keep jews and gays and women form owning fire arms

but men need gun to protect there family

fine women can have pistoles

@AWOIII people i don't like would murder me regreardless fine can have guns

i don't want people i don't like to have fair chance

@Comrade of BLM what about you. you have not said anything to me

i thougt librel are very vocal

@Comrade of BLM i think trans gender issue are bullshite as black musliam i don't support blm becuse it leftes

i want red pill black suppreamisly movent

]@Comrade of BLM maybe i would haver supported blm if it disscusses black on black crime and wed lock marriges and fatherless kids and gay agenda

gay agenda is real

melcome would not have supported blm

becuse it ageist family unit

black family my fimily has aways supported so called conservitve vaules

it hale to get it right

@Comrade of BLM you should take redpill you see islaim is way to go jew are behind it all


comrade most black or brown people don't support gay agenda

you see that blm does not black people intress at best

comrad of blm we just more black police offers

i am trying redpill you

librelism is spectrum

who do think edcucation systom white men

you black men today think that some white profecer told that feminism and single good for you and you vote anothere white man aka joe bidon

and joe bidin laws that put black men jail you think voting left wing fix all problem back people have

i think we should make black panther party the officel political party it should right vaules we reform police systom get rid laws that are on book becuse of democreats

republican are't helping with that either

fuck you i am not troll

far right party should be black panther

mecolm x would have been presadent if jew and zionist has not killed him

zoin wanted melcom dead same zionist that supported blm same zoinist that killed melcome x a true cival right leader for black men

that why black people should not blm it not a true movent for black it run and infeltrated by zionist

comrade as black that should sicken you the iconion was supose to be a libration icon but it know zionist trade mark

it not just black panther infaltreated zoinist it other politcal movement

did you isreal train police

free pilistain


is this a free speech server

can i have a different opinon

what open kind of opinion are allowed

hmm where do i post meme at

furriers are groomers

i love first amendment

that main i can criticize isreal

nuke isreal

just seeing what allowed in this server

if there free speech i should be allowed to say what i want

that would included ideal i don't agree with

all my account are ban in this one server

@xd_gangster69 i am talking hentai herem server

it was taken over by narmies

i have built in vpn on my web brower

is that free vpn

rockstar fan boys are idiot

they eat anything rockstar give them

if gta 6 come out the plot would be blm

gta is going political

it started with gta 5 the rdr

red dead redemption more like red comrade redemption mad by soystar game them self

rockstar is red as china politic

red dead was awful woke garbage

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