Message from @Lucario
Discord ID: 760222295590699008
He is still here...for now.
fuck you i am not troll
We are currently talking about Joe Biden and how he is going to beat Donald
iilhan omar buying vites
Biden is gonna lose
@Kamidere Sargon of akkad then please i fucking beg you to please at the very least try to write statements that make sense
Trump has more supporters than 2016
@Kamidere Sargon of akkad I don't think you understand what server you are in then. You've ignored everything else I've told you and continued to argue against the wrong people.
far right party should be black panther
What if Joe Biden slept and trump threw him a pillow
Trump wants a drug test
He should bring a pillow and a blankie to the debates for Joe
thatd be awesome
gonna be a popcorn worthy show
mecolm x would have been presadent if jew and zionist has not killed him
I am so excited
U know they're doping Joe to get him through his softball interviews with cardi Bs gross ass pussy
Mecolm X? LOL
@Lucario nah
Sounds like a rapper
> Imagine if joe made just 1 coherent statement without the use of a teleprompter
@Lucario the media will say he won
zoin wanted melcom dead same zionist that supported blm same zoinist that killed melcome x a true cival right leader for black men
The media will say he won regardless my friend
Trump is going to destroy joe tomorrow I'm buying snacks and drinks for the occasion
I already bought snacks
i dont know maybe
I bought popcorn and pepsi
Mountain Dew and Doritos
@Comrade of BLM lol is ur pfp and name a troll or is it legit
he's infiltrating actual BLM groups