Message from @DrewDaPilot
Discord ID: 760222834768740403
zoin wanted melcom dead same zionist that supported blm same zoinist that killed melcome x a true cival right leader for black men
The media will say he won regardless my friend
Trump is going to destroy joe tomorrow I'm buying snacks and drinks for the occasion
I already bought snacks
i dont know maybe
I bought popcorn and pepsi
Mountain Dew and Doritos
@Comrade of BLM lol is ur pfp and name a troll or is it legit
he's infiltrating actual BLM groups
@Shadow town he isn't we went over this earlier
Y u wanna join?
im a white supremacist
@DrewDaPilot please don't spam here.
sorry for the spam my keyboard/discord glitched
Lol nope I’m good
it wasnt delivering and delivered it like 3 times
idk what happened
Thanks for the offer have fun infiltrating servers
im a white supremacist because I asked "what do you guys think about Illihan Omar's ballot harvesting" on a discord server
trump is going to lose
that why black people should not blm it not a true movent for black it run and infeltrated by zionist
It was agony tbh.
@Lambton please explain how?
Infeltrated lmfao
he is a bad speaker
bruh what