Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 795730009120571393

2021-01-04 18:46:06 UTC  

Not sure I follow your train of thought here... I lived in Portland up until I enlisted in the Navy. My parents and siblings (and nieces and nepwhes) are still in the Portland area. I talk with them all of the time and my family is not liberal/progressive at all. They are disgusted by the misrepresentation of their city and state by the corporate media and right wing pundits. It's like I mentioned yesterday... We focus on the abhorrent minority aberrations and attribute those to the whole in order to promote a particular ideology. Not unique to either side, of course.... Just more BS to sift through. Sadly, most do not care to or do not know that they need to sift through said BS to get to the truth.

2021-01-04 18:47:18 UTC  

I don't know what kind of bubble you and your family live in..... but stay in it. It sounds nice.

2021-01-04 18:48:22 UTC  

Let me guess we need the proud boys to come save us all.

2021-01-04 18:48:43 UTC  

I think it’s pretty relevant that a witness wants to determine if ballots are real of fake using a magical sword

2021-01-04 18:48:54 UTC  

P.s. none of the information I've gathered has come from the mainstream media.

2021-01-04 18:49:17 UTC  

@TaLoN132 I can't stand Raffensburger or his smarmy minions. It has NOTHING to do with TRUMP. He made a crappy and unlawful per the GA & US constitution agreement to get Stacy Abrams off his back. He continues to lie on camera by saying nothing happened in the election eventhough he has over 100 investigations into the election going on which in itself seems to prove that SOMETHING was going on. His explanations are for the empty headed and completely in contrast to his office having so many open investigations that I have NEVER heard him or his minions admit to.

2021-01-04 18:50:14 UTC  

Unlike your assertions, the story from the news media outlet that I linked to is subject to libel laws. Pulitzer was ABSOLUTELY the person that presented testimony that individuals that he was working with hacked into polling pads and claimed that they were not supposed to ever be connected to the Internet, which is FALSE testimony from a supposed "expert". You can try to split hairs, but the words that testified that the machine had been hacked came from the mouth of Pulitzer. That is undeniable.

2021-01-04 18:50:43 UTC  

Raffensburger didn’t say there’s nothing going on with investigations they are doing. He said there’s nothing going on outside investigations.

2021-01-04 18:53:21 UTC  

This is a very miniscule blip of the downtown area.

Its rather embarrassing because he is trying to stop cursing so ....😂... it seems like he can't talk with every other word he'd rather say a curse word. He was present at least 70% of the protest/riots.

2021-01-04 18:58:46 UTC  

@Dedkraken @TaLoN132 This kind of stupidity is such a time sucker -- and why I rarely interact -- this is STUPID -- DID YOU WATCH when Jovan Pulitzer returned to report the internet connection??? where do you get "hack" from. HE OBSERVED the internet connection he didn't "HACK" anything. 🤓 DEFINITION Computer hacking, on one hand, describes the activities practiced by individuals, organizations, and nations, in order to gain unauthorized access to computer and technology dependent systems. These activities may involve the modification or alteration of system's software and hardware in order to perform activities neither purposed by the creator nor in line with the creator's original intentions.

2021-01-04 18:59:49 UTC  

These false talking points tell me all that I need to know... The temporary changes made to the election process was 100% legal under Georgia and US laws. The GA Republican legislature voted to grant powers to the GA Election Board for making decisions about the fair and safe administration of the election. This was litigated and confirmed through the court system in GA. The only ones asserting that it was illegal are ill-informed partisans attempting to dupe people into believing otherwise. I have linked to the actual GA election codes and court rulings in this channel many weeks ago.

Opening investigations into allegations that were made is evidence that Raffensperger and his staff were doing their jobs... The fact that they resulted in no arrests are indicative that they find no malfeasance or proof of wrongdoing. The only people that think otherwise are people who choose not to accept reality.

I get it.... your echo chamber has told you that it will be the end of the world if Biden actually won. The left wing echo chamber said the same thing if Trump were to get reelected. This is the most divided our country has been since the Civil War, in my opinion.

2021-01-04 19:00:52 UTC  

If you'd like to see the riots just from Portland alone, nowhere else. Here. And this is only 1/2 or maybe 1/3 of them because streamers were being taken out left and right and they also would cause the largest scene at the courthouse while having roving bands causing other destruction.

2021-01-04 19:01:00 UTC  

@Dedkraken so you admit there are investigations, ergo THERE ARE ELECTION IRREGULARITIES---- 🤪

2021-01-04 19:01:07 UTC  

We have to remain civil in this chat. It's part of the rules, try to avoid saying people are stupid/acting stupid please. Otherwise, continue!

2021-01-04 19:02:13 UTC  

I mean he’s literally right there in the video talking about hacking into the election system. I’m not sure what the confusion is.

2021-01-04 19:05:02 UTC  

Are you talking about him saying they confirmed the systems were connected to the internet, as the commission said it wasn't?

2021-01-04 19:05:17 UTC  

Quote “we have access to the devices. The poll pad the system. We are in.” This is hacking

2021-01-04 19:05:37 UTC  

That is penetration to confirm a lie

2021-01-04 19:06:16 UTC  

It doesn’t confirm a lie but it is hacking an election system actively.

2021-01-04 19:06:30 UTC  

It does confirm a lie

2021-01-04 19:06:58 UTC  

It is admitting to a crime (imho), whether or not the crime was actually committed is another story altogether.

2021-01-04 19:06:59 UTC  

They said none of the systems were connected to the internet

2021-01-04 19:07:21 UTC  

" Being in" = lie confirmed.

2021-01-04 19:07:45 UTC  

I mean, presuming you actually take his word for it (why you would, I have no idea)

2021-01-04 19:08:52 UTC  

Its taking his word in the opposite direction to say illegal hacking occured as well. It could be hot steam.

2021-01-04 19:09:02 UTC  

Dominion said their systems are not connected to the internet. Don’t say they so vaguely. Crazy paper guy sent tech teams to penetrate election systems.

2021-01-04 19:09:02 UTC  

@SANCTIONED all of this is why Trump supporters need to be handily dealt with...

2021-01-04 19:09:24 UTC  

Wooooptie dooo. And I swear officer, I did not rob the bank.

2021-01-04 19:09:36 UTC  

I mean, it's admitting to a crime either way, even if it never happened.

2021-01-04 19:10:04 UTC  

It's still a crime to hack government systems without authorization.

2021-01-04 19:10:55 UTC  

Crimes aside I’m assuming he wanted to white hat hack them and break in without malice. That doesn’t make what dominion said a lie.

2021-01-04 19:10:56 UTC  

Do we know he wasn't given authorization to confirm at sites? There's a lot of unknowns.

2021-01-04 19:12:00 UTC  

Pretty sure you'd bring up this point before you admit a crime, also you're trying to say they sent in litigation to this affect and were allowed access to election systems -- something they've tried to this point and failed at.

2021-01-04 19:12:55 UTC  

Chairman Mao was known to abuse a child or two, this is not a bug it's a feature.

2021-01-04 19:13:51 UTC  

Again another plus violence will be needed to deal with the Trump people, and it looks like this gentleman is the man for the job.

2021-01-04 19:13:52 UTC  


2021-01-04 19:13:55 UTC  

I mean you are mixing up officials and dominion voting quotes

2021-01-04 19:14:20 UTC  

That's not true... They said none of the voting machines are connected to the internet. This was not a voting machine.

2021-01-04 19:15:26 UTC  

If you can find anything where the good Reverend utilized gas on humans I will be sure to give him my vote of confidence.