Message from @mg216

Discord ID: 795771905176633423

2021-01-04 21:31:32 UTC  

It's just like speaking in tongues...

2021-01-04 21:31:38 UTC  


2021-01-04 21:31:59 UTC  

Enunciation is key!

2021-01-04 21:34:09 UTC  

The more time I spend in this server, the more apparent to me it is how rigged they system is to polarize people.

2021-01-04 21:34:25 UTC  


2021-01-04 21:35:42 UTC  

Its because of conversations like this ^^ that its set up to polarize people

2021-01-04 21:39:16 UTC  

Well... that is why I didn't say Moscow Mitch. Because it doesnt really matter the party. The Senate Majority leader, regardless of who they are, can basically prevent just about any legislature from reaching the president's desk for signature regardless of how popular the legislation is....

A great example would be the 600 to 2,000. It passed the House with a great deal of support on both sides but essentially 1 man killed that bill.

But again, this should concern a person regardless of their political preference

2021-01-04 21:41:12 UTC  

This server is being bombarded right now...

2021-01-04 21:41:25 UTC  

In the same way that it concerns me as someone who voted Republican that liberal Democrats cant even get a floor vote for universal healthcare

2021-01-04 21:44:51 UTC  

worked on this for the last Mo

2021-01-04 21:45:10 UTC  

what we know now...

2021-01-04 21:45:47 UTC  

Im not sure I follow there.... My concern is just that a single person can block a bill regardless of how popular that bill is with the public or even with most of the Senators and Reps.

So Universal Healthcare is not one of those.... its NOT widely popular among both parties and citizens

2021-01-04 21:47:31 UTC  

you mean one person in Congress? obviously the President can block legislation with veto power requiring a super-majority of Congress to override

2021-01-04 21:48:28 UTC  

my understanding is that universal healthcare is part of every democratic congress persons promises to their voter, they control the house, but pelosi hasnt brought it up. Correct me if im wrong but she could make vote happen

2021-01-04 21:48:35 UTC  

Executive order used to have the power of law. They have significantly constrained its power from the 1st pres

2021-01-04 21:49:34 UTC  

Like what Mitch did with the 600 to 2,000. That is just an example. When the Democrats held the majority they did the same shit.

That is way too much power in the hands of ONE person, the Senate Majority Leader

2021-01-04 21:50:36 UTC  

Yes... in the HOUSE... but not the Senate. The House also passed that 600 to 2,000. They passed a minimum wage hike. They passed a the Heroes Act and the Equality Act.... but Mitch killed them all

2021-01-04 21:51:35 UTC  

need to just do away with it completely

2021-01-04 21:52:12 UTC  

A constitutional amendment to do that is likely to fail 🤷

2021-01-04 21:53:26 UTC  

Right. But it seems to be a choke point in which 1 person has the power to supress the will of half the country.

2021-01-04 21:53:33 UTC  

And again.... its not just Mitch that has done this... previous Democratic Senate Majority Leaders have also blocked Bills that would have likely been passed and signed into law but just didnt want to for whatever political reason (like, which every corporation owns that particular senator)

2021-01-04 21:53:55 UTC  

Yes. That is exactly what it is.... Which is why I say its a problem

2021-01-04 21:55:58 UTC  

Look... the reality is that the 600 to 2000 Stimulus Increase Bill would have passed the Senate if for no other reason than Senators would have had no choice but to vote for it or they would lose their next election.

Trump wanted it so we know he would have signed it. The OVERWHELMING majority of Americans wanted it.

So... if not for Mitch McConnel that Bill would likely be law now.

2021-01-04 21:56:52 UTC  

But again... its not just Mitch. Its whoever the Senate Majority Leader is... Mitch has just been prolific at killing bills that would likely pass if allowed to go to a vote

2021-01-04 22:02:10 UTC  

@JD~Jordan do you think if there was a law passed which limited the length of a bill it would prevent this from happening? Im wondering if there was less to "object" to on each bill, political and public pressure would overcome the ease at which house leaders manipulate/obstruct congress

2021-01-04 22:06:42 UTC  

Epstien didnt do it, Hunter was framed,sleepy joe said conudity free china blueberries on the city ahhhh trunalimunumaprzure!

2021-01-04 22:09:31 UTC  

Everyone knows it's the orange man's fault...

2021-01-04 22:09:32 UTC  

@busillis, you just advanced to level 47!

2021-01-04 22:09:56 UTC  

I like how they're slow rolling this coup we've been hearing about for 30 years. Super shrewd.

2021-01-04 22:11:18 UTC  

Was this from above video?

2021-01-04 22:12:26 UTC  

Just a random observation. I pop in from time to time throughout the work day.

2021-01-04 22:12:28 UTC  
2021-01-04 22:13:45 UTC  

Oh hell no... that won't work. The 600 to 2000 was not "long" nor was the Minimum Wage Increase or the Equality Act.

Its just 1 guy who is now one of the richest Senators (after growing up dirt poor in KY) gets to decide what bills make it to a floor vote....

And the Corporations and Donors that pay him $100K to come speak at their luncheon are actually the ones in control

2021-01-04 22:14:02 UTC  

Is there a video today?

2021-01-04 22:14:17 UTC  

Ahhh so the capital "C" Coup that never truly materializes

2021-01-04 22:14:23 UTC  

There will be a stream, yes.

2021-01-04 22:14:43 UTC  

@mg216 lol exactly

2021-01-04 22:14:44 UTC  

Cool good

2021-01-04 22:15:43 UTC