Message from @Zuluzeit

Discord ID: 797108763018264598

2021-01-08 10:29:00 UTC  

emergency powers given to the respective Secretaries of State/Commonwealth and/or election boards. i would like to know whom gave them these powers? Most just assumed they have had them all along. for accuracy i know about PA and GA agreements. but like in you're state CA they just said "THIS IS THE WAY" and sent out Ballots to everyone that was later shut down by the court. but Wi, Mi well 1/2 of them there some did hit the books from governor legislature. so what did the other 45 states do? like texas the left claim that they suppressed the vote but not close to the truth they just did not let others just decide to make these new Covid rules as we go...

2021-01-08 10:32:23 UTC  

Is that what you think happened? The shooting was a false flag operation?

2021-01-08 12:53:37 UTC  

A lawless act

2021-01-08 12:53:37 UTC  

@Massie1223, you just advanced to level 8!

2021-01-08 13:17:10 UTC  

Can a individual citizen sue the Russia Hoax accusers for assaulting and incapacitating The President of the United States?

2021-01-08 13:48:46 UTC  


2021-01-08 13:48:55 UTC  

That would involve a lack of standing.

2021-01-08 13:59:26 UTC  

Incapacitating. We endured 4 years of "Trump gets things done" and now it's "Trump was incapacitated"? Pick a lane.

2021-01-08 14:13:50 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq I hear Harris and other ridiculous congress members talking about the "rule of law" but the law was clearly broken and the non-legislative branches dictated the voting criteria in the contested states (clearly in contravention to the law). I don't hear any of them talking about those groups breaking the law. Equal application of the law needs to apply anywhere and everywhere. Selective application of the law means that there will always be people pushing the limits. Think of it this, way if you and a sibling were to do something wrong and your parents only punished you even though both of you broke the exact same rule. Both of you would have very different feelings about the "application" of the "rules" and it would give your sibling the idea that he/she could get away with anything and you would believe the opposite and look at your parents as dictators.

2021-01-08 14:14:57 UTC  

Rule 1 of politics: Politicians will never be consistent.

2021-01-08 14:15:28 UTC  

@Zuluzeit Trump did somehow get an amazing amount done, but he was unable to clean house in the DOJ and intel community because of "muh Russia." This is unfortunate because those have become key levers of power and are threatening our system of government.

2021-01-08 14:17:28 UTC  

Appoints executive branch leaders -> Fires them -> Begins to appoint people in very peculiar ways to the position indefinitely in improper ways. -> Still fires them.

2021-01-08 14:21:41 UTC  

It should be pointed out that those who started the destruction in DC (are not Trump supporters) they were "Antifa/Blm" in disguise. With one identified as John Sullivan from Utah. The "MSM" have labeled them as Trump supporters which is wrong.
Also, buses were escorted all the way to the area that the riot started by Sheriff units and black cars/suvs and the DC Police Commander sent officers home @ 10:30am or earlier. Also the officers present guided them into the area. They also refused assistance from the FBI and Secret Service.

2021-01-08 14:21:51 UTC  


2021-01-08 14:22:18 UTC  

This is just another excuse for "my side can't do anything wrong".

2021-01-08 14:23:21 UTC  

@Maw there are video evidence of these statements.

2021-01-08 14:23:38 UTC  

Yea the police presence at the capitol was scantier than anything I've ever seen at a major protest and I've been to a lot of them.

2021-01-08 14:23:51 UTC  

There is video evidence which you are presuming is showing what it isn't.

2021-01-08 14:25:38 UTC  

The group in this chat who are intensely proud of the insurrection will be disappointed to hear that the glorious endeavor was not implemented by actual Trump supporters

2021-01-08 14:25:51 UTC  

For sure.

2021-01-08 14:26:46 UTC  

But it's just Antifa.

2021-01-08 14:27:20 UTC  

Same argument the left made about Trump Supporters infiltrating BLM to riot.

2021-01-08 14:27:28 UTC  

Which is equally ridiculous.

2021-01-08 14:28:09 UTC  

Yeah that was a wild ride.

2021-01-08 14:32:04 UTC  

@Ghostdog. DC can put up a practically impenetrable police barrier if they want to, I've seen it many times and even black bloc isn't able to penetrate. What we saw this summer with burning precincts and again on the 6th was the police being told to stand down.

2021-01-08 14:33:35 UTC  

@macsen that is a true statement. Also note that some officers are particapants just like some lawyers are

2021-01-08 14:34:04 UTC  

You guys think they’ll somehow make vaccinations mandatory?!

2021-01-08 14:34:16 UTC  

Definitely not Trump supporters tho. No true Scotsman, right?

2021-01-08 14:34:30 UTC  

Certainly could be potentially done on a state level.

2021-01-08 14:35:58 UTC  

@ejpips that would be infridgement on our personal rights - freedom of choice. But with prospects being what they are, it is possible

2021-01-08 14:36:18 UTC  


2021-01-08 14:37:47 UTC  

Don't think that's recognized as any palpable right in the American system. Don't think you want to make that argument neither with abortion being a hot topic this day in age.

2021-01-08 14:41:13 UTC  

@Zuluzeit not sure about scotsman question, but in either case. What took place is Generally not the standard of Trump Supporter/Stop the Steal protests. Think about it, this protest was planned to take place. And knowing the shear size of crowds Trump tends to draw. It provided the best concealment opportunity for those who carried out the destruction.

2021-01-08 14:42:14 UTC  

Naw, I'm not for pawning personal responsibility on other people. Usually that's a sort of Trump supporter argument as well, glad to see you're upholding your ideals fairly.

2021-01-08 14:43:02 UTC  

Every movement has fringe elements that will make them look bad if not kept in check.

2021-01-08 14:43:02 UTC  

Figure of speech, Abortion is a different topic with different arguments on it.

2021-01-08 14:43:24 UTC  

Not at all, it all involves personal autonomy and potentially harming other people.