Message from @šŸ‘‘ āœSteveBannonāš”NationalPopulisāœž

Discord ID: 782007957701001240

2020-11-27 21:30:36 UTC  


2020-11-27 21:50:10 UTC  

Lower Courts: No evidence of fraud. Throw this trash out.

Supreme Court: Why did the lower courts overlook this?

2020-11-27 21:51:16 UTC  

Good stuff guys, good stuff

2020-11-27 21:54:04 UTC  

Lower courts are hacks according to Rudy

2020-11-27 21:54:18 UTC  

He'd know better than anyone

NYC will not win the supreme court if he doesn't show evidence which include videos and recording of an accident that occured
Because affavidat witness doesn't apply for anything. I watched Gulliani Rudy affivdatives witness, they are just statements and claims not evidence of videos or recording to show to the court

2020-11-27 22:08:17 UTC  

That is what the court cases are for, so they can actually block certifciations so they can go in and identify the fraudulent ballots. Affidavits should have been enough to trigger ands audit, but these hack judges and RHINO legislatures aren't helping anyone

That was a partial recount, Trump has to pay for a full recount. Some courts will ignore a case and look into it later because the witnesses and affavidat might show lack of evidence

2020-11-27 22:12:08 UTC  

There were dead people voting in NYC

2020-11-27 22:12:43 UTC  

hold on, he's going after New York?

2020-11-27 22:13:01 UTC  

Wait what

2020-11-27 22:13:08 UTC  

Since when

2020-11-27 22:13:28 UTC  

Wait, no, I think I misinterpreted Trumpetition

Court can order a recount and find constitutional violation of changing election laws in each state without legislature approval

That is all they can do

A criminal investigation would need some sort of recording and videos from the election workers and offical stating that they have been cheating and should be arrested

2020-11-27 22:17:03 UTC  

That is what sidney is doing

In Bush vs. Gore. The court decided to end the election after the recount was finished because of deadline regulation.

There is a certain extend that the court gets tired of listening to voter fraud when there has already been a recount

and end a election from there

2020-11-27 22:20:55 UTC  

Recounts don't help

2020-11-27 22:21:14 UTC  

They are just recounting fraudlent ballots without challenging them.

2020-11-27 22:21:22 UTC  

Meaning Nothing is gonna change

2020-11-27 22:21:31 UTC  

They need to audit and throw ballots out

2020-11-27 22:22:44 UTC  

In GA they identifed (through private means) that there were 20k+ voters who moved states before the election and still voted by mail. The margin in GA is only like 10~

If the courts block the certification by means of litigations and the governor tries to appeal it. It will end up going to the general assembly (Legislator branch). The state election and governor does not decide the electorals as stated in the 12 amendment " Article 2 section 1 Claus 2 "Each state as a legistator thereof direct a number of electors"

2020-11-27 22:26:46 UTC  

Bush v gore wasnt the courts getting tired of hearing about fraud. They stopped it because the democrats were violating the equal protections clause by holding some ballots to a different standard.

2020-11-27 22:27:35 UTC  

any updates lads?

2020-11-27 22:27:52 UTC  

Which is why rudy points out in PA that ballots from some counties were allowed to be "cured" while most could not.

2020-11-27 22:28:15 UTC  

Hey lads I'm gonna post an update in General-shitposting, can someone elaborate it?

2020-11-27 22:28:56 UTC  


What do you mean by violating equal protection clause?

such as holding some ballots to a different standards?

2020-11-27 22:31:06 UTC  

They were counting votes different. Holding the ballots in miami dade to a different standard than the rest of the state.

Do you think there will be violation under the equal protection clause as Rudy stated?

2020-11-27 22:32:36 UTC  

There already is?

2020-11-27 22:32:46 UTC  

Is it possible to make taco salad and not overload your plate?

2020-11-27 22:33:02 UTC  

There obviously is. My faith in the judicial system is somewhat wanting though.

Its not just faith. Its about evidence that they can prove in the judicial system