Thomas Marik

Discord ID: 163978772033437696

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I used to program basic about 30 years ago

10 elect trump
20 goto 10

What makes Facebook convenient is I was already there with my family and friends. Making a new network is ackward as I have to deliberately go there. I'm in Minds and here. Discord works well with me because I come here for gaming related groups and now I can also check in here now.

Diversifying is great for when zucceninga occur. Its gives us a way to go see what the heck is going on.

You know one great thing about discord. Custom reactions

Continue winning

Then outrifgr deleteing a page is worrisome though. Won't you have to rebuild followers?

3 is still up. Thata how I found this discord.

I still say we should have a big street party the day of his funeral and invite Trump

New Hampshire north country is beautiful in fall.

Discord is scary because its different but nice once you get used to it.

I don't I ow what gab is. I went looking for it in Google play but didn't see anything that looked like a social network

The whole Iran deal thing is bizzare. Especially after I heard that it was never signed by any party.

That the moon man somehow became a symbol of the right makes me happy

I had to pull out that map when my aunt started crying about how Mary and Joseph were refugees. They loved in Egypt and went to Bethlehem for a census. Its all Roman empire.

Who does those paintings? Is it the same guy as the forgotten man and more recent.Mueller painting?

I love them. I wonder if he has some sort of patreon or something g.

I hadn't seen this one.

Facebook is being corrupted by xenos.

I don't like how content is displayed on Minds. Everything blends together.

Does MySpace even still exist?

I don't use Twitter much. Mostly to follow trump and Martin from Stellaris

I am hoping something will pick off allowing the Iranian people to rise up and luck the clowns out of power.

Make Iran Persia Again

Tbh that was inevitable given the trend.

Department of memes is the get website I thought

Why does a root beer float?

I can't do much more than add text in

Might redo it when I get home. Although it's more likely I'll fire up and play Battletech

A lot depends on how big of a shitstorm can be made of the zuccening.

I seem to recall Ole Zucc himself during his hearing say he was going to crack down on Russian bots even more. Is it possible they are cracking down on anything that promotes a pro trump or conservative view via the means of memes or humor?

God Emperor Trump wasnt the first site to be taken down. I rmember hearing reports of other pages being unceromoniously dumped with no explaination that had a similar purpose as GET

Facebook claims incompetence?

WE already did our part in Indiana. WE always do. It's always these other states we can't vote in that fuck us

It was systematic as well. Every day one page went down

I knew a girl that every time facts got in the way of something she wanted to hound me about she would just instantly claim she wasnt interested in the topic and act like I was the one that brought it up in the first place.

So it's still possible for Jeb! To win right?

LOL. Why don't we have permissions to view the announcments channel?

I think someone was trying to set it up so only certain people could post but accidentally set it to the same people only being able to view as well

It's no big deal. I'm justy getting up and noticed the channels had been reorginized

I dont run any but I'm on several. Things seems ot be running fine here.

Have you heard any more from Facebook about the GET pages? I saw you post something about them possibly targeting Department of Memes page

What law was broken?

I dont thing political identity is a protected class

I wouldnt put violence past them. The only thing is it isnt going to be as fever pitched as a presidential election year because midterms never are

Might be different this time Im not sure. Politics have gotten super polarized this last decade. If REpulicans actually get 60 in the senate and keep the house that will have the dems screaming bloody murder. They might go overboard trying to stop it

which might actually hurt their own cause but it will still be intenst

I say might go overboard. They already are going overboard. They can still ramp up though

Rocketman might be feeling like he is gettign politically steamrolled and is wantign to rattle the sabres a bit

Maybe, Maybe not. Stuff liek this has gone south before with other presidents and it didnt turn into a shooting war

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

The USSR had nukes. They could reach us. REagan walked away from a summit liek this. a few years later the berlin wall fell

Rocketman is trying to play big. He doesnt understand (or does understand and is simply posturing) that he doesnt hold the cards here.

His nation is built on propaganda

That alone makes me wonder how the hell Rocketman is going to go through with any peace

The difference is I dont think China would dare threaten the US like that. Their economy would implode

Things are similar.

A prsident is talking tough and fixing problems and all teh talking heads are losing their shit thinking we are headed for nuclear annihilation

See what? Nukes? I dont see it from the Norks. Iran worries me a bit

I'm hopeful the citizens will be able to rise up. Its not an easy ask for them though.

The world seems mad enough as it is. If anyone nukes anythign the world will go insane.

I dont predict nuclear holocaust either. I dont know what would happen if soemone nuked something. I dont know what the response would be. I am not convinced a response would e retaliatory nukes.

Especially form one of these podunk countries like Iran or North Korea

That's the rumor but I've never heard it talked about much at all

That would make Jews teh savior of mankind

Waht would anyone gain

Yet countries keep threatening it. Small countries angry that they are small

In Irans case they might well do it just on religious grounds. It doesnt have to make sense

All the more reason to hope the people of Iran work up the courage to try and change whats going on in Iran. Tehre are alot of decent Iranians who want no part of this but they would get cauguht up in any response

All the more reason to despise Obama. Tehy tried years ago and Obama ignored them...

Of course now. They try again a lot of people in this discrod would be screaming bloody murder if Trump interfered.

The past isnt a place. It's a memory. The Future isnt a place either.

ASia is where anime girls live

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