Message from @justkaus
Discord ID: 786966261116043264
thats being homiesexual
Yeah that’s a whole different thing
What about a heart beat?
Is it alive before that?
Because it’s developing.. If it were dead, it wouldn’t continue to grow as it does.
That's.... Not how it works
A particle in space continues to grow
That doesn't make it alive
The Himalayas are growing
That doesn't make them alive
You’re comparing an infant to a particle?
This is a different argument, the difference is we know the infant is alive. It will become a person. A particle will not.
That's what I saying. It's a blob of flesh.
There is life at the moment of conception
Yeah but at what point exactly is it alive?
So a dead man is alive?
Decomposition sets in. He no longer has potential to live.
Right.. if we don’t have the technology, he doesn’t have the potential
Uhhh.. That's not how tech works
God knows if we will ever get the technology
We always had the potential to use Google through our fingers
Not the tech
No, no. The potential, as in the ability and the resources to do so.
Yeah well we always had fingers no?
No. You don’t while in early stages of development.
See point is, before a heartbeat, the fetus is a collection of cells. And you can argue that it has the potential to grow, but that potential can't be achieved without the mother. Put the fetus out of the womb it's dead
So on its own
It's dead
Just like a dead man
Is this another abortion debate?
No shit. But essentially, it won’t get outside of the womb on its own.
Unless a miscarriage
But that’s a different discussion
What's even the point of saying this? I am arguing that on its own the fetus is as good as dead before a heartbeat
No it's not
Without the mother. Without chemo, many people are good as dead. Should we just kill ‘em now, because they rely on something else to live?