Message from @boazzie
Discord ID: 786683414920953906
do you think the vaccine will be effective? and or will be safe?
It might be effective in the people it is safe for but i don't trust that it is safe
I hope it’ll be effective
May I ask @Divine Fischy, why do u have capitalist and socialist roles?
I'm a curious guy haha
he is confuse, but he got the spirit
That's the point, no? Having the spirit😅
@Thaddeus M. it’s cuz I have some left wing views and some right wing views
Free Phillip Manshaus
Based centrism ftw
@justkaus why are you both pro life and pro abortion at the same time lol?
Cuz I support abortion till the fetus isint alive. Which IMO means till the time it gets a heart beat
oh so about 5-6 weeks?
I support abortion up until the third trimester, after that point it should only be allowed if you have medical complications
Even in the second trimester, it’s developing the traits of a human being. That’s messed up.
if i suck my homies meat, am i gay?
thats being homiesexual
What about a heart beat?
Is it alive before that?
Because it’s developing.. If it were dead, it wouldn’t continue to grow as it does.
That's.... Not how it works
A particle in space continues to grow
That doesn't make it alive
The Himalayas are growing
That doesn't make them alive
You’re comparing an infant to a particle?
This is a different argument, the difference is we know the infant is alive. It will become a person. A particle will not.
That's what I saying. It's a blob of flesh.
There is life at the moment of conception
Yeah but at what point exactly is it alive?
So a dead man is alive?
Decomposition sets in. He no longer has potential to live.
He has. We don't have the technology.
Right.. if we don’t have the technology, he doesn’t have the potential
Uhhh.. That's not how tech works