Message from @Norman
Discord ID: 790749246969479238
tu est non credo
okay its been a while since latin class
not sure which is 2nd person
credere is infinitive so it means "to believe (in)"
crederit is 3rd person perfect so it means "He believed (in)"
I think crederis is 2nd
i never was good at latin
I’m just glad I get to use it in real life for once
Industrial is the advantage of communism and agricultural is the disadvantage
Has anyone listened to an audio book called Change Agent by Daniel Suarez ?
its quite interesting , i recommend it
Its a story based on how a police officer named kenneth is hunting a syndicate that illegally edits genes to get desirable qualities for adults and children. Their leader, Marcus Demang Wyckes calls a hit on Kenneth as he starts to close in on him and his operation. Kenneth is stabbed with a needle which looks like it contained a serum of some sort. Kenneth faints and blacks out and wakes up in a hospital bed with restraints on with a mirror next to him revealing his appearance has been altered to look like the leader of the syndicate Marcus Wyckes
@lillian there exists a distinction between male and females. no amount of "but harvard says you have to love tranny11!!11" can change this. science does not get to weigh in to transcendental categories
no one said these distinctions don’t exist??? but according to literal research and scans of hundreds of brains, the brains of trans women behave the same way as cis women.
i just looked at the study
it doesnt say that
stop lying
1 simple study that actually agrees w me but not entirely?
and i dotn agree to the terminology "trans women"
lets instead say "males who are confused"
"agrees with"
there’s tons of other studies that i can bring u
it doesnt say what you claim it says
you deceived me
wait lmfaooo
why should i believe any claim you made when you deceived me so?
we should talk according to what is easier for u to understand
but u have an issue w tras using actual definitions and correct terms?
dude ur weird
"actual correct"
who is this authority which gets to define what are "correct" words
did you read 1984?
its exactly what they did