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no one said these distinctions don’t exist??? but according to literal research and scans of hundreds of brains, the brains of trans women behave the same way as cis women.

1 simple study that actually agrees w me but not entirely?

there’s tons of other studies that i can bring u


wait lmfaooo



we should talk according to what is easier for u to understand

but u have an issue w tras using actual definitions and correct terms?

dude ur weird

um idk maybe like science?


if definitions aren’t gonna be based off science

then what are they gonna be based off

yes, incorrect definitions...

i think u are actually the dumbest human being i ever talked to

idk??? maybe cause studies and everything disagrees w it??? and it has no actual studies to prove or back it up????

no u can hate trans people all u want

but ur literally

not giving


valid or logical argument

“biology disagrees w trans people”


what harvard study...


first of all

there’s many other studies lmfao it’s not just one

no but i can

and i can send u other ones as well

just a minute

this will probably be a bit too hard for u to understand but this is a review article (yes by harvard). it summarizes 8 different studies (which i can also send). this will probably be the most source filled one but just in case i’ll add 3 others

yeah, when i said ur the dumbest human i ever talked to i meant it buddy

u want me to be? 🤨

why? cause it actually disagrees w ur point of view lmfao?

1. u could easily read the rest of the article

2. yes, that’s my entire point

that’s the point of a review study. once again i could send u the 8 studies and u can read for urself

and that is gender dysphoria, buddy

it um

it was




let me send u the 8 studies it’s talking abt

do u know what a review study is?

that’s where the word “dysphoria” comes from lol. it’s a psychological and mental condition.

how so

yes i sent 4 different studies showing it

u posted their claim talking abt sexual orientation and gender identity. that in no way is related to what i said

which one

@Lil Pastaa i literally answered u leave me alone


what’s sad is that u couldn’t bring a simple study proving ur point but apparently 12 different studies showing it aren’t enough


Brain activity and structure in transgender adolescents more closely resembles the typical activation patterns of their desired gender, according to findings to be presented in Barcelona, at the European Society of Endocrinology annual meeting, ECE 2018. These findings suggest that differences in brain function may occur early in development and that brain imaging may be a useful tool for earlier identification of transgenderism in young people.

did u read this one?

Results: Evidence that there is a biologic basis for gender identity primarily involves (1) data on gender identity in patients with disorders of sex development (DSDs, also known as differences of sex development) along with (2) neuroanatomical differences associated with gender identity.

Conclusions: Although the mechanisms remain to be determined, there is strong support in the literature for a biologic basis of gender identity.

what abt this one

do u even know how neurology works??

i said that the structure and the behavior of the brains of trans women are closer (aka in the same category according to neurology since not all brains work the same) to cis women

this literally proves it

that’s why i attached the study

because it explains all these things


this is so dumb but remind me i’ll answer it later

u read the summary

articles don’t include their specific methods and results in the summary

brain behavior, yes

that’s what neurology is

read the study

yk what

how abt u give me a study

or anything that explains it

yes and it proves my point

wait pls shut up for a minute

let me explain what u just said

i said

“hey lol the brain behavior of trans women is closer to cis women”

u said “source?”

i gave u a source

this source

has a summary which explains my point

then later on explains the methods and the aspect they studied

so u asked “what methods and aspects did they study”

i said “read the studies i sent”

and u said “but it doesn’t say it in the summary”

how are u not fucking embarrassed

i’m a piece of shit for giving actual studies and believing science rather than what we “believed for a thousand years”

yk w science we discover new stuff right?

that means they aren’t female

that’s what neurology is

what else do u want it to be?

bestie reread what u sent

yeah, ur crazy


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