Message from @ThomasNES64

Discord ID: 785634763969003530

2020-11-24 05:05:47 UTC  

Pride. The spirit of satan and of the anti-Christ.

2020-11-24 05:57:39 UTC  

Cigarette’s are the Christians most worst enemy!

2020-11-24 06:20:41 UTC  

Sup yo

2020-11-24 06:21:00 UTC  

Seriously though I think that people who don’t like Christianity is the enemy, low level hatred and high level!

2020-11-24 06:36:25 UTC  

Yo lifes hard

2020-11-24 07:02:16 UTC  

You are the man @AsherFOE

2020-11-24 20:04:27 UTC  

I think we are our worst enemy, because we chose to suffer or live.

2020-11-26 23:59:18 UTC  


2020-11-27 01:40:09 UTC  

I'd like you to imagine the nastiest people you've encountered in your life. You'll probably think of folks who are Christians, atheists, folks who run the whole gamut of life. Are they your greatest enemy? If those people overcame their pasts, stopped overreacting to their thoughts, and banished their ego and anger, they probably wouldn't be your enemy. All of us are susceptible to anger and judgement, and we all have to overcome. Satan is so opportunistic and sneaky, he will use every trick in the book to pull you into the darkness, and he rules the earth. One of Satan's names is literally "the enemy," and it's his deceit that leads so many astray. So I believe there could *never* be a worse enemy than Satan. Not the children of the lie, the false prophets, the liars and fakes we encounter in life, nobody. A Christian's worst enemy isn't even himself, arguably, because the wickedness of our thoughts and hearts are what Satan uses to control us. Anyone is blessed to be able to see the truth, and I think deep down, if demoralized people could truly see what was going on inside them and know the truth, they would not be living wicked lives.

2020-11-29 06:22:32 UTC  

Stay out of your imagination

2020-11-29 06:34:17 UTC  


2020-12-02 09:23:10 UTC  

I believe when Jesse meant Christians main enemy is Jesus bc his character. He would look so radical in 2020. People focus on feelings a lot now days. Jesus our friend, but we can't see it 100%.

2020-12-03 18:29:26 UTC  

It is impossible for a character like jesus or buddha to live among us ever again. They were only able to live the life styles they did because life was different in their time. They would not survive a few days in our time.

2020-12-03 18:35:00 UTC  

A prophet or revered historical character only wields perspectives from their own free thought and has no mystical powers. Prince Siddhartha tried to make a different life for himself and others wanted to join. He teaches a lot of people things in his own way.

2020-12-06 11:19:34 UTC  

You know there is only one way? And what do you mean about mystical powers?

2020-12-07 22:22:45 UTC  

BIBLICAL QUESTION: **__*Why shouldn’t men allow women to take over?*__** @everyone

2020-12-07 22:23:39 UTC  

I recon Jesse answered this questions a bunch of times already, so I will keep my comments to myself !

2020-12-07 22:28:21 UTC  

because they usually do everything that is wrong and defend everything that is evil. Granted there are some very very few good women in history that were able to do great things like Joan of Arc, but lol, this society today is no Joan of Arc.

2020-12-07 22:30:42 UTC  

Because when women take over the flow from God is disrupted. The effect may not be seen right away but it will always lead to destruction.

2020-12-07 22:31:24 UTC  

the bible is a fairy tale

2020-12-07 22:32:04 UTC  

Not only does it damage the children but it can damage society. If the family where the mother is in control over the husband then it can harm the way children are raised without a REAL father. It’s not in a woman’s nature to lead and it comes to children falling away from god and will damage them in the future and can effect society in many ways.

2020-12-07 22:38:49 UTC  

Is because men in god eyes represent balance of power, Justice and head of the community he's responsible for helping his family through discipline and knowing that God is in our side, men are the ones who love their family More than themselves meaning helping his children to better role models through phiscaly and spiritually without a Father or the father who in heaven no worlds will exist That's why he created Adam Rather than Eve.

2020-12-07 22:52:18 UTC  

It goes against the order of God, and when you stray from that order, you're bound for ruin sooner or later, which we can see in action in various places in the country and the world at large and in many families.

2020-12-07 22:52:36 UTC  

cuz 1 Timothy 2:12

2020-12-07 22:59:29 UTC  

lol for actual Bible citations 2 Kings 11 (the story of Athaliah) is probably a damn good cautionary tale

2020-12-07 23:12:59 UTC  

First of all women were created for men, not the other way around. Second, due to the 6500+ genetic differences between man and woman, a woman will not be able to physically replace the role of a man. So if we allow woman to take over, we normalize such a behaviour, and we will eventually have women acting in place of a man. This is biologically inferior, and overall not good for society and life on Earth.

2020-12-07 23:28:14 UTC  

Because every matriarchal (female lead) civilisation has collapsed in on itself and caused the deaths of millions of people through out history. Women are emotional and irrational, when women rule we see truly evil tyranny that destroys civilisations. A good leader is rational and compassionate, HE leads by example and without emotions getting in the way. There is no woman on earth that could do that because it goes against their nature. Women must submit to men or there will be hell on earth.

2020-12-07 23:32:50 UTC  

women make decisions based on their feelings of compassion and feeling like they want to please people, so they get easily taken advantage of when they're in charge and compromise their values when adversity hits. not saying this doesn't happen to men, but it's more in a woman's nature for this to happen if she's trusted with leadership and authority.

2020-12-08 00:11:23 UTC  

It leads to societal downfall and the destruction of the family unit

2020-12-08 02:51:15 UTC  

Because the Woman is designed by God for the Man, not the Man for the Woman...

2020-12-08 05:14:52 UTC  

I work with a. Bunch of women and all they do is wanna kill each other it’s not good and they’re so emotional and annoying

2020-12-08 05:28:56 UTC  

Women have a liberal/motherly mindset by default and go against logic by using their emotions

2020-12-08 11:58:40 UTC  

The thing about sin…it takes you further than you want to go, keeps you longer than you want to stay and costs you more that you are willing to pay.

2020-12-08 19:02:47 UTC  

@Peter G.🗿 absolutely 💯

2020-12-08 23:46:20 UTC  

Because men guide women, and forever have guided women.

2020-12-10 05:45:08 UTC  
2020-12-10 06:39:00 UTC  

My opinion: Men shouldn’t allow women to take over because women will destroy the order of God. God over Christ, Christ over man, man over woman, woman over children. They are being used to promote feminism which is against God, the father. They are susceptible to their emotions hence corrupting their children without the guidance of a logical man nor teachings from God.

2020-12-10 13:10:42 UTC  

Everyone will suffer if woman or children are in charge

2020-12-14 05:37:32 UTC  

Women should be made sex slaves and the men can raise the children properly while financially supporting them. We can reverse the tyranny so they start to know their place again.

2020-12-14 06:36:09 UTC  


2020-12-14 19:22:36 UTC  

***__Do you think you believe what you want to believe?__***... well DO YOU? @everyone