Peter G.๐Ÿ—ฟ

Discord ID: 515642332226387970

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Yooo we can talk about pot in this discord?? Nice

Can you ask Joel how he keeps up with his strict diet

But but but jesse said perfect parents dont produce imperfect children!1!!one!!

Oh thank God my chew comes from tabacco plants. Drug free baby

โ€œSuffer and dieโ€
Also โ€œi didnt wish you thatโ€ lmfao bud you the one smoking pot

Oh i guessed india. Man jesse got alot of moslem listeners

Love me some indian women. From the reserves and from the country

Latina women get down but they will bring you down to hell in a hand basket

Thats his go to line when a caller agrees with some points but not all

Kamala already starting with the phony โ€œwe care about youโ€ crap smh

โ€œInvest in the american peopleโ€ aka the blatts and ghettos SHIEEET

I was about to quote that too. I guess the apple dont fall too far from the tree

So basically the Africans are burying themselves?

It sounds like someone has to run things over there and China seems to be on it.

Maybe so. I knew there were Chinese people in Africa but i wouldnt know if they are that deep rooted to the point they can make the whites go away

There are business in china buying up tons of land in the us too. Establishing meat factorys in idaho or montana

Iโ€™m going to check out Empire of Dust. Thanks for the rec

Yooo shalom that documentary man. Good stuff. The translator was in it with the blatts all along. <:bugman:495766412187533322>

Ermey mustve been cool to be around. Dude was talented for sure.

Ahh got it got it. I heard you can get a free trip if you can prove it or something

Sounds like a nice country dang. Free plane ride and language lessons

Yeah the moslims still believe in man over woman

Shalom hey so is the Koran on the same level as the Talmud?

If i read genesis to revelation niv would say thats a diff bible? Many KJVers say so

Out of 1,000 he chooses 1
Out of 10,000 he chooses 2
Out of 100,000 he chooses 3 and so on.

It means being a follower of Christ and God is a lonely road as you deal with many nonbelievers of the world.

When we were kids, when something sucked or was bad we called it gay. Maybe its in all of us as innocent children to know that being gay is a bad thing

I knew a couple of gays who were against normalizing homosexuality and that it should be kept on the low.

It must be rough knowing what you are doing is not normal but you just cant help it.

I guess thats the battle between good and evil inside all of us

Interesting point. It is unfortunate it is pushed in our faces and the children.

Yeah i heard its mostly a sex thing with the gays isnt it? Its not really companionship like you would with a woman

Yeah normalizing it is criminal. Even the stds among the community is shocking

@SpetsnazFighter there ya go buddy we listed a bunch of things lol

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