
Discord ID: 189104504283725824

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My two cents: whether or not the Gospel of Thomas is cannon or not is a distraction from the truth. Even though the quote comes from Thomas, I believe that message is something Jesus made clear multiple times. He said the gateway to life is small, and few will find it. Ecclesiastes 7 has the passage about finding only one upright man out of 1000, but no upright woman. Even if the bible is corrupted and misinterpreted, even if Thomas is wrong, the Holy Spirit guides us from within. A lot of people are not going to follow Jesus, and there are a lot of people pretending to follow him. The danger is getting trapped in the intellectualism and the knowledge of God, rather than seeking God.

@Japheth Did God send you miracles as proof you should do that, or did you do it out of anger and self-righteousness?

@Japheth You compared yourself to Gideon. Gideon requested proof of God's will before going on his mission. So that's why I ask, did God give you miracles? Destroying a decorative figure in itself does nothing to turn people toward God. After all, God told Gideon to build a new alter to replace the false one. Based on what you've said, it sounds like you just destroyed someone's property in God's name, and not out of love, but anger and self-superiority.

@Japheth The Deuteronomy passage you're referring to was an instruction in claiming land. The bible also says you can have your rebellious children stoned to death. Are you saying these things are always justified?

Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy. That's all I have to say.

I've never heard of anyone worshiping Lincoln. Ever.

What if someone saw your cross as a false idol, and they destroyed your cross for your own sake. Would you have any interest in believing in their god?

Because I think you're literally made out of stone

I was going to say, because that sounds like it would be super entertaining.

I'm not sure, I think the ban happened recently, and I think they stop streaming a couple weeks at a time.

"We should burn down YouTube because they allow the promotion of heretical doctrines"
โ€“Christian Antifa

Or we could actually build something better than YouTube, or use a service that isn't run by socialists.

I'm going to be waiting for the headlines: "The Statue of Liberty Mysteriously Burned, Purpetrator's Message: 'Don't Worship False Idols, God Bless.'"

But after Gideon died they started worshiping false idols again.

But I'm saying, if Gideon died and they went right back to it, is it not the message and the people sharing God's love more important than the presence of statues? Gideon saved/protected them from that.

Alright Japheth, let's say you bought a bunch of buddah statues and pentagrams and Barbie dolls and voodoo dolls and Lincoln chia pets. If you destroyed all of those, I don't think anyone would have a problem. You'd probably get weird looks at the checkout aisle, but it wouldn't be a big deal. But when you insist on destroying monuments and such, public property, other's private property, government property, etc., that's where folks get upset. I think it's amazing that you don't like communism but also disregard property laws. Also, Idk where your definition of idol comes from, because an idol is simply an object/symbol of devotion/worship.

And I hope no one catches you doing anything on Sunday, because by your standards you can be rightfully put to death. I also hope you do not wear any mixed fibers, eat bacon or any meat, consume dietary fat or blood, or sit where a menstruating woman has sat previously, because otherwise you're sincerely screwed.

Moses commanded the destruction when new land was taken, as a sort of social/political statement. You're acting as though that exact thing is in no way isolated to that context. Same thing is true for Gideon. I agree that there is a dark side to tolerance, and tolerance can be a very bad thing, which is why I'm all for defending your ideals and what you stand for, and not accepting evil. I don't like Marx. I don't like 99% of philosophy/philosophers, but destroying statues of them is not my priority, or even on my mind. The statue of Marx is not what gives Marx power, it's his writing and ideas that have entered their minds. If you want to snuff an evil idea at its source, you can't just burn books and tear down statues, because Satan will creep into someone's mind at any point and give them false dreams of utopia to infect future generations. The way you eliminate that evil, or at least keep it powerless, is to show why it is wrong. Show the history, the economics, expose the lies.

I don't mean literal dreams per se, I mean thoughts.

So we agree. Satan can feed you lies about a utopia, just as an example.

The Catholics usually believe the church has divine authority, and they pray to saints, angels, Mary, The Pope, whatever. Thatโ€™s what concerns me most about that faith.

Many Christians do not see how toxic anger is, or they end up in what I call โ€œcult of guiltโ€ Christianity, where they always live in fear and keep doing terrible things and asking for forgiveness over and over. Or they forget that Jesus said loving thy neighbor fulfills the law, and they believe they have to basically be like the Amish to be Christian, or even destroy American historical monuments because of an Old Testament verse in a different context.

Arenโ€™t the Catholics suddenly okay with feminism and abortion now? Damn.

Just thought this was so funny, but one of the clients I work for is a Twitch streamer. I edit their gaming archives and stuff. Well as I'm editing a past stream today, the chat got raided, and the dude was like "I have one question... Do you love blatt peeble?" And the whole chat be like:

I think the fact that people I work with who are in totally different circles know who Jesse is, is amazin. He's gettin around!

Somebody please inform me of the meme, because idk who destiny is xD

Unsurprising, I figured they weren't memeing because they liked him, but still amazin

I might not know the name, but I may have seen the episode, lemme check

That's so funny, I know I've seen this guy before, but I haven't seen his appearances on the show. I think my client and them may be friends.

I was just very confused like "who is this destiny person, and why is everyone AMAZIN"

I don't really get around the Twitch circles a whole lot, but I'll definitely check out the clips, because if he came on three times that has to be great. I'm not sure what different careers everyone has here, but I'm an artist, and I'm not sure how many conservative/Christian artists are out there. In my experience, not all not all, but most artists and creative industry types are very left leaning, so when it comes to work and whatnot I'm kind of of the downlow about it. I'm not sure if there's any better way of doing things, but that's the climate. I think if people found out you believe in God or like Trump you're going to be out of a job.

^ This. Wikipedia has become highly propagandistic, and not as trustworthy as I once thought. Somebody probably doesn't like Jesse and put the deletion mark on there. There is no way you can be on TV for 30 years, have a radio show, contribute to FOX and other news outlets, write several books, amass a dedicated audience across social medias, and somehow not be considered notable.

Why is it whenever I hop in here to see what's up there's always something spicy cooking?

Because you were traumatized and wanted to escape

So catch me up real quick, what do you mean when you say one God for all people?

You start with the little faith you have, the size of a mustard seed, and you take action. Try it for yourself and do what Jesus commanded, like forgiving others, get rid of all anger, hold every thought captive. Even if you have next to no faith at all, if you try these things, you're seeking God. And if you seek God, he will reveal himself. True faith is there when you find yourself seeking, and witnessing yourself growing stronger in the truth. And over time you start to realize that these things you were worried about before don't scare you like they used to. God's peace and strength is so staggering, and when it becomes a part of you, you'll never be the same, it's like being a new person.

You're going to have a hard time spreading your message if you can't command respect though.

It's okay dude, stop worring about not being vegan and get some rest

My best pro tip for anyone who's either homeless, or in a survival situation: get yourself a big multivitaminโ€”preferably one with complete vitamins and minerals. My experience having known people who were homeless, or went homeless for a time, is that the nutrient deficiencies from low quality food/no food can mess you up for the rest of your life.

And it especially hurts those who drink/smoke the most, but it's good for anyone. Honestly I think the average non-homeless person would benefit from a multivitamin.

> I remember as a kid being told it was bleached or some nonsense like that
@Desperado Dave Yeah, I'm pretty sure they don't bleach rice. Most of the time they just pull of the bran, so it isn't brown rice, then they spray the rice with powdered vitamins (if it's enriched rice.)

I'm excited for this, looks like it's going to be a good conversation for men (and women as well.)

I'd like you to imagine the nastiest people you've encountered in your life. You'll probably think of folks who are Christians, atheists, folks who run the whole gamut of life. Are they your greatest enemy? If those people overcame their pasts, stopped overreacting to their thoughts, and banished their ego and anger, they probably wouldn't be your enemy. All of us are susceptible to anger and judgement, and we all have to overcome. Satan is so opportunistic and sneaky, he will use every trick in the book to pull you into the darkness, and he rules the earth. One of Satan's names is literally "the enemy," and it's his deceit that leads so many astray. So I believe there could *never* be a worse enemy than Satan. Not the children of the lie, the false prophets, the liars and fakes we encounter in life, nobody. A Christian's worst enemy isn't even himself, arguably, because the wickedness of our thoughts and hearts are what Satan uses to control us. Anyone is blessed to be able to see the truth, and I think deep down, if demoralized people could truly see what was going on inside them and know the truth, they would not be living wicked lives.

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