Sean ๐Ÿœ

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I believe that the President should appoint a man to the US Supreme Court, because God intended for the man to lead the household, and I believe that applies to all scales of leadership in church and government.

When we deviate from what God intended, we see dysfunction in society, and I believe this is confirmed in what we see around us today.

Thank you, love you all.

> A man would be better, I had predicted in a discussion on here that the trap for Trump would be to send another woman up there. In the short term picking a woman is a decent political move that may pay off, but in the long term it's not a good idea, the woman is more likely to flip on key issues
@Japheth well put

> No pandering with a black guy or a Mexican or Asian justice. Let's be real and understand what we need. Tbh kavanaugh wasn't even that good of a pick. He's a beta male. There must be one strong non female POC who can get the job done.
@GhostZ facts

in reality they'll probably pander since they have their hands tied

> You claim colour doesn't matter but mixed racial and tribal elements were the dominant factor in balkanizing every major empire, many major wars, and carving out civilization.
> Solomon went down this road and was rebuked by the prophets for meddling with foreigners thinking everyone can just get along and serve God. In the end his kingdom was destroyed over it.
@K a i s e r that's an interesting point about solomon. and yea im not in the "colour doesnt matter" camp.

it shouldn't matter, but in reality it does, and part of the problem is people in this country are not willing to accept and embrace that and move forward accordingly

also ppl forget there's hierarchy in the kingdom of heaven

so the idea that it's an egalitarian classless place is false

there's some rural communities that have been doing that but the sad part is they dont seem as attuned to what's going on so idk if they'll be prepared when SHTF

God-hating pedophiles who don't even live in our country control our media big tech and education publishing

foreign lobbyists have been slowly tearing this place from the seems

imo anglo america started out roughly as a theocracy with the puritans and massachussets bay colony

the church leaders and governing authorities were one in the same, no?

no i mean the church leaders that were in america were also in charge of governing

if you look at certain colonies they were justifying their laws and statutes with Biblical arguments

we might disagree on semantics of what a theocracy is then

but the important point is it had christian foundations

the early colonies were basing all their laws and administration on Biblical arguments, and the church leaders and chapelins were in charge of governing. i dont see how this isnt a theocratic way of organizing things?

well that's part of the thing too that some of the settlements weren't even called colonies until later on in retrospect, after they became subject to britain

i know he's a bit popular and worn out but even john winthrop helped give early american settlers a reputation for being a uniquely Christian nation

"religion being in America's foundation, it's simply inseparable from America's history and culture" yea for me this is the important part

people today want to try to twist our history to make it sound like we're supposed to be inherently secular

i believe it depends on the weakness. if the weakness is a sin or desire to do something sinful then you shouldn't love that. if it's just something you're not as good at as someone else like teaching or leading worship and God called you to do other things then you should love that aspect of yourself and not be envious of others' talents.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

nazis were occultists and wanted to slowly ween the germans off of christianity to fit their aryan evolutionist ideology

the early american settlers were christians before the mason "founding fathers" perverted the country

ur saying this influenced the electoral college system here?

ive never supported the constitutional system once, it represented a betrayal of the theocratic founding settlers

the moors were alright but mostly bc of arab influence

berber civilization looked more similar to arab than subsaharan africa

> The Moors invaded Spanish shores in 711 AD and African Muslims literally civilized the wild, white tribes from the Caucus. The Moors eventually ruled over Spain, Portugal, North Africa and southern France for over seven hundred years. ... During an era when Europe had only two universities, the Moors had seventeen
@Valiance iberia isn't in the caucasus, and spain and portugal were first civilized by the romans, which is why they're still majority catholic and not muslim to this day

that's why italy and spain are moorish muslim caliphates to this day

youtube took down the channel that hosted the debate of tariq getting wrecked by jared taylor

violated nsfw guidelines (interracial white on black rape)

> this debate has to be available on some other channel, i would believe @Sean ๐Ÿœ
@Trey it prbly got reposted somewhere

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ive met a lot of seething euroqueers who self-identify as pagan

> yea the europeans are sliding back into paganism because they destroyed themselves with whoredoms and lost their identity and got cursed with secularism and diversity
@Japheth yea exactly

i think far right in europe are interested in the occult as well bc of the nazi connection

yea i was interested in druids for a bit in high school

cus my dad's side came over here from ireland

pagan societies seem to always devolve into ravenous wolves and ruthless competition, elimination of the weak, etc

i think you see elements of it in china even if it's not fair to call them pagan, but there's a lack of belief in a monotheistic perfectly moral God

every pagan society seems fair to describe as social darwinist

worship of the strong and elimination and ridicule of the weak

islam is a false damnable doctrine but i personally dont consider it pagan, bc they still believe in one monotheistic God which they regard as the source of morality

romans did do some shady things to young boys before they stopped persecuting christians

i have to remind the medit supremacists that sometimes

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