Message from @x96petersen1

Discord ID: 787032589545242674

2020-12-11 17:02:47 UTC  

@AntiFish03 from my understanding. The Legislator can still choose not have electors. Then the process plays out that I aint typin lul

2020-12-11 17:11:12 UTC  

Fair... if the legislature decides to take the choice from the voters they can do that

2020-12-11 17:11:30 UTC  

Its in their purview.

2020-12-11 17:12:08 UTC  

But that is also what is part of Texas v. Penn...

2020-12-11 17:12:54 UTC  

Some state legislatures have delegated the selection of the electors from themselves

2020-12-11 17:13:05 UTC  

in violation of the Constitution

2020-12-11 17:27:32 UTC

2020-12-11 17:37:51 UTC  

There is precedent for a state splitting... Virginia and West Virginia but that's definitely not how it happened.

2020-12-11 17:40:59 UTC  

People gonwanna eat in coastal Cali.

2020-12-11 17:41:14 UTC  

Might want to redraw some lines.

2020-12-11 17:41:24 UTC  

Let’s go secession!

2020-12-11 17:44:23 UTC  


2020-12-11 18:24:32 UTC  

Ok, I have to admit, I think that might be a first on the brief from would be successionist states

2020-12-11 18:24:32 UTC  

@Uncivil Law, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-11 18:25:26 UTC  

That is .... a thing that happened I guess

2020-12-11 18:36:07 UTC  

Linked to nobody?

2020-12-11 18:36:54 UTC  

What's the violation of Constitution?

2020-12-11 19:00:29 UTC  

@Dedkraken Michigan Election Law Act 116 of 1954 Sec. 759 paragraph (3) lists three ways how applications for absent voter ballots may be made. IMO the election laws were not violated by the voters of Michigan using the applications provided by the MI Sec of State, so the votes from those ballots were placed constitutionally. I do think MI Sec of State violated the election laws distributing the applications and should face penalties for that violation. The process Michigan used that did violate their election laws is allowing absentee ballots applications via their website without signatures. The votes received from the ballots requested on the website were placed in violation of Michigan’s election laws and should not be counted. Sadly, I am one of those voters who requested their ballot without providing my signature via the website.

2020-12-11 19:04:58 UTC  

Which of those questions does that have to do with?

2020-12-11 19:06:31 UTC  

i was responding to your “what’s the violation of constitution” comment. sorry new here. can’t figure out how to follow different conversations!!

2020-12-11 19:20:54 UTC  

California has multiple layouts for secession from the coastal cities, I even saw a map with California split 6 ways.

2020-12-11 19:21:41 UTC  

The US Constitution gives the express power of the state legislature to designate the electors. not a member of the executive branch

2020-12-11 19:22:00 UTC  

It takes practice with Discord sometimes

2020-12-11 19:22:40 UTC  

To be honest it might help California if they split as there is so much difference between the big cities needs and the rural parts of the state.

2020-12-11 19:23:24 UTC  

If your splitting Cali Texas needs to split to offset those extra very liberal senators they would get

2020-12-11 20:03:25 UTC  

But I mean Congress can delegate things. Congress has say the power of the purse. If they write a law like defense spending bill and declare what they want to spend on what and turn it over to the POTUS to administer that spending it's legit. They can pass another law to modify that later.

In this case they laid out the rules they wanted to see followed to collect vote tallies and certify. This isnt unconstitutional the power is in there to design the system and they did.

2020-12-11 20:04:33 UTC  

But it is when those things are not followed

2020-12-11 20:05:34 UTC  

Gotcha you can hold down on a comment to reply to it. The Constitutionality of voting rules is a bit different than the power of state Congress over elector selection once they have the vote totals. I wasnt quite sure because what you said was kind of in line with both things

2020-12-11 20:06:44 UTC  

They were followed they got the certified results from each county to the state and then signed off. That's what the system was setup for.

2020-12-11 20:08:03 UTC  

But they weren't followed... that's what this Lawsuit is about...

2020-12-11 20:10:54 UTC  

thank you so much for the tip to hold down a comment to reply to it!!! that’s a game changer!!!

2020-12-11 20:10:54 UTC  

@x96petersen1, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-11 20:11:06 UTC  

You are using the pronoun they very broadly. The laws put into place on how to cast ballots is separate from the laws surrounding the certification process. The certification laws are to gather official vote totals and make sure everything is in order then rubber stamp then. This was all followed.

If there was fraud or they changed rules they shouldn't have or mailin ballots are wrong or whatever that's a different thing.

2020-12-11 20:12:38 UTC  

The "they" I was speaking of was the election laws as a whole which also includes the certification rules.

2020-12-11 20:14:42 UTC  

Yes that's the problem 😂 you said it's not constitutional for the state Congress to make a system for the executive branch to administer which doles out electors based on voting results. This is not the case. In fact ideally they put something in place the does this.

Other election laws are related but different.

2020-12-11 20:18:25 UTC  

Any news out of SCOTUS?

2020-12-11 20:19:03 UTC  

Dennis said they are live

2020-12-11 20:19:40 UTC  

Shouldn't the legislature have the ability to intervene in the certification process since they are the responsible party though? That would make sense to me. That as the Constitution says they have the express power to select electors they are the responsible party for the results to go through... Its some semantics I agree but these are things that sound like they should be checks and balances in line with other checks and balances built into the system

2020-12-11 20:19:56 UTC  

I dont see it though

2020-12-11 20:26:20 UTC  

When you dont see something. Doesnt mean stop looking so its not there.