Message from @daddy Kevin
Discord ID: 774018852387553360
I may or may not have been considering staying awake for it which is why I am now curious if it was in fact wisco hmm 🤔
On the bright side, Trump could still win without Michigan or Wisconsin
But what are we dealing with beneath the surface of it all. Concerning
Call me tin foil hat I don’t care lol I am just looking at the pattern of behavior in our political system holistically. Just feels unsettled
oh no I agree
And I don’t particularly like unrest kinda had my whole feel of it for a decade in the past year or two
Yup you see it I am baffled more don’t
The entire Republican party is aware of the claims you are entertaining. This is not being perpetrated on you in a vacuum. Do you think that if there is any validity, they will just let it go? Use your heads.
The media and democratic party clear bias makes any moderate or conservative feel concerned.
Its annoying
I literally feared my local Pd coming into my home and confiscating my weapons to protect myself and my child from his dishonorably discharged convicted abuser father who doesn’t follow gun laws and guess who would be hauled in as a felony under the proposed red flag laws by the dems in VA. ME. The law abiding citizen. So yeah I had my constitutional rights threatened and my liberty so yeah I am pissed and concerned about the future of our country and the commonwealth of va.
GA is crazy
And the man who they put on tv doesn’t even know what time the deadline is tomorrow. Good lord this is awful
Would be same as 4 years ago. Flipped.
You would have to believe that actual sitting Republican politicians are simply ignoring all of these election irregularities, the governing administration included. Is it possible that you might be overreacting to things which might not all be true? Just possible?
GA is gonna be the big one to turn it all
@Zuluzeit If overreaction is 2 standard deviations above the median, then no.
Yes, define your way out of a point you should clearly understand. That's fine. Then the serving Republicans are useless and you've already lost. Congratulations.
hmm not sure if anyone else noticed this, but PA's numbers are fluctuating wildly while % reporting remains the same
it's been at 88% reporting for several hours now, yet Biden's gained nearly 2.5%
I reckon we should start taking screenshots at this rate
@Zuluzeit I understood your point, its just that you are somewhat condescending. I felt the need to remind you of some key properties of the human mind.
Important people from both sides are watching. What any particular media outlet displays is not the gospel.
I blocked that one person yall
@Doc Then just say that. I don't see any good coming from insisting that the poor Republican voters are being victimized with no advocates.
@Zuluzeit So you correct behavior by ridicule? These are anomic times, people are scared. And angry. If emotions provoke you, I suggest you try another approach?
I do not recognize an element of ridicule and I do not feel especially provoked. Although, watching things willfully spiral out of control is difficult, particularly when suppression of dissenting opinions is constantly conflated with censorship by precisely the same people who are so upset right now.
Well, then there is a difference between how people absorb you and how you project. That is always interesting. I would like to explore this, but I suggest we would be contaminating a channel made to discuss the election, so that would have to be another time.
Agreed. shows North Carolina and Georgia has 100% reporting. Now does that mean that they are complete, or all sites are now sending in everything, not sure.
Has anyone heard about AZ's top law enforcement official being concerned enough to open up an inquiry into all the reports about sharpies being used for ballots?
I know the sharpie thing is getting old and all.
Aren't those votes counted
The AZ AG Released a statement saying they work iirc
What I read was that there was enough collective worry that some votes were "rejected, spoiled, or cancelled" die to use of sharpies. If the AZ AG already covered it then cool. When was that statement released?
A day or two ago
Anyway, the cancelled explanation came from people who had submitted mail-in in addition to voting in person
Okey dokes. Then probably just rehashed information.
President Trump is having a press conference at 6:30 est