Message from @Lady Georgia

Discord ID: 774326530859859968

2020-11-06 15:54:27 UTC  

is random

2020-11-06 15:54:32 UTC  

given the null hypothesis of a fair election

2020-11-06 15:55:00 UTC  

ok, got ya

2020-11-06 16:02:03 UTC  

@TheParamedicGamer I watched that video and I say all the polling stations in that state should be investigated because I am positive what that person did is illegal.

2020-11-06 16:02:53 UTC  

Regardless if Biden won legitimately or not, the Democrats pretty much guaranteed the result of Republicans not trusting the election by their lack of transparency. Republican poll counters should have been allowed to observe what was going on in the polling stations.

2020-11-06 16:04:20 UTC  

Agreed @Nick Corona We all know if this shady crap was happening to them they would be crying, rioting, and getting activist judges to invalidate those polling stations

2020-11-06 16:21:38 UTC  

I think the states in contention will also give dem control of the senate and prevent the republicans from gaining majority of the house

2020-11-06 17:00:03 UTC  

"Federal judge orders USPS to continue sweeps of its facilities for undelivered ballots"

2020-11-06 17:08:17 UTC  

Starting at 2:45 there is a video of one of the vans dropping off boxes in Detriot 1st hand.... time is just around 4:30 am

2020-11-06 17:21:53 UTC  

So has the watermark just gone away?

2020-11-06 17:26:04 UTC  

I don't think it has...I think Trump and his administration aren't speaking out about it quite yet. The media hates trump so they will do any and everything they can to not pay attention to anything that speaks truth and makes the Dems look bad.

2020-11-06 17:28:57 UTC  



If you have been following for a long time and you know the term "watch the waters", you probably understood it to mean the 3 gorges dam but it was never referring to that!! The "watch the water" intel refers to .....THE WATERMARK on the official election ballots!!!! The original ballots are also registered on a QFS blockchcain to prevent fraud. 12 states were targeted. The National Guard has been deployed to 12 states: Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky and they are now counting the official ballots!!!!

The DEMS fell right into the trap of this sting operation and TRUMP has it all!!! Fraud will be exposed for the world to see.
And isn't it fancy how the amazing Justice Amy was confirmed right before the election so that she can rightfully take care of the business of election fraud.... Oh and this is only the beginning of the EPIC times that lie ahead!!!

So, did Trump win by a landslide? You will soon see that he did!!!!!!!!

2020-11-06 17:34:26 UTC  

Is that a copypasta?

2020-11-06 17:35:52 UTC  

Most likely, it was sent to me in my messenger

2020-11-06 17:36:09 UTC  

I feel like it’s true though

2020-11-06 17:36:14 UTC  

The watermark

2020-11-06 17:36:19 UTC  

Yeah we got that message sent in FB messenger too.

2020-11-06 17:37:00 UTC  

No idea if it's legit. There are a loooot of weird and wishful theories out there.

2020-11-06 17:37:11 UTC  

16D chess lol

2020-11-06 17:37:36 UTC  

Haha facts (pun intended)

2020-11-06 17:37:58 UTC  

Agreed...but I definitely feel like the watermark sting operation is real

2020-11-06 17:38:14 UTC  

If it is that would be amazing for sure.

2020-11-06 17:38:39 UTC  

It makes sense. I feel like hellen Keller could have seen the set up with the demand for absentee ballots etc

2020-11-06 17:38:49 UTC  


2020-11-06 17:42:41 UTC  

I mean im skeptical about the watermark thing. Until there is more detail it seems like jist wishful thinking at the moment

2020-11-06 17:42:44 UTC  

I still really wonder ... I mean, if I was masterminding an election steal this is something I'd look at ... how hard would it be to go over the voter rolls from 10, 20 years ago, get 1/5 of the people who've passed in each year amd request their ballots, to be forwarded to a certain address? Either I've got a uniquely masterful criminal mind or someone else has tried it.

2020-11-06 17:44:44 UTC  

Also developing a network of people to 'help' elderly registered voters who easilu convinced. I'm a qualified aged care worker among a bazillion other things and the stuff that goes under the radar is incredible.
Totally different system here in Aus tho

2020-11-06 17:46:05 UTC  

And elderly people who've been 'helped' is also foolproof. No way to prove anything. Unless you get secretly recorded by Prpject Veritas lol

2020-11-06 17:53:47 UTC  

I am extremely skeptical that "qfs blockchain" is anything more than fake jargon

2020-11-06 17:54:27 UTC  

And yes I agree with @Elias Diaz , don't fall prey to grasping for straws

2020-11-06 17:54:33 UTC  

It is human nature

2020-11-06 17:54:41 UTC  

Keep calm and keep your heads

2020-11-06 17:57:30 UTC  

(it amazes me how many people see perfectly explainable but suspicious things and declare cheatery is happening without reservation, it feels so bad that people are this manipulatable; for #### sake hold your judgments, because I've already seen them be bullshit (speaking to people at large); be suspicious sure, investigation? Sure. But reading through a random youtube comment section now just makes me want to vomit)

2020-11-06 18:00:51 UTC  

> 💥BOOM💥
> If you have been following for a long time and you know the term "watch the waters", you probably understood it to mean the 3 gorges dam but it was never referring to that!! The "watch the water" intel refers to .....THE WATERMARK on the official election ballots!!!! The original ballots are also registered on a QFS blockchcain to prevent fraud. 12 states were targeted. The National Guard has been deployed to 12 states: Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky and they are now counting the official ballots!!!!
> The DEMS fell right into the trap of this sting operation and TRUMP has it all!!! Fraud will be exposed for the world to see.
> And isn't it fancy how the amazing Justice Amy was confirmed right before the election so that she can rightfully take care of the business of election fraud.... Oh and this is only the beginning of the EPIC times that lie ahead!!!
> So, did Trump win by a landslide? You will soon see that he did!!!!!!!!
@Numbnuts180 I can confirm the QFS blockchain a friend of mine helped install the software in my state. It was done for the expand voting we have via email, fax, absentee ballot voting and other styles

2020-11-06 18:04:10 UTC  

I am in Washington state and I know it is implemented here.

2020-11-06 18:04:43 UTC  

@realz agreed. Do an investigation because it seems fishy. But no proof of wide spread voter fraud at the moment. Be skeptical but after an investigation, be prepared to accept the results either way. People get too caught up in partisan ship.

2020-11-06 18:06:39 UTC  

Accept *

2020-11-06 18:08:31 UTC  

> Accept *
@Elias Diaz you can edit posts as an fyi

2020-11-06 18:09:26 UTC  

> @Elias Diaz you can edit posts as an fyi
@TheParamedicGamer oh sweet. Thanks