Message from @meglide

Discord ID: 780213150255415316

2020-11-22 23:22:04 UTC  


2020-11-22 23:22:40 UTC  

I doubt that this is how it was intended.

2020-11-22 23:22:43 UTC  

This is not how the system was intended. No candidate was meant to make up a bunch of stuff just to make it into the house. @Elzam

2020-11-22 23:22:50 UTC  

@Doc Those making the claims also have dominion over directionality. It's science.

2020-11-22 23:23:03 UTC  

This year is just an anomaly due to states rushing out voter changes due to the Chinese virus

2020-11-22 23:23:25 UTC  

Well future candidate will use the same tactic

2020-11-22 23:23:25 UTC  

@james j, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-11-22 23:23:44 UTC  

There's a reason we have 3 separate but equal branches of government

2020-11-22 23:24:00 UTC  

You can't just "make stuff up", the SCOTUS isn't going to sacrifice its legitimacy for a singular president

2020-11-22 23:24:18 UTC  

It will never reach SCOTUS

2020-11-22 23:24:35 UTC  

They don’t need scotus to kick it to the house

2020-11-22 23:24:40 UTC  

Interested parties will ensure it does and if it doesn't the votes will be certified

2020-11-22 23:24:52 UTC  

When pressed by Fox News’ Eric Shawn on how he could be sure Dominion’s machines were secure, Steel said that when voters casts their ballot, they fill it out on a touchscreen and are then given a printed copy that they hand to a local election official for safekeeping.

“If any electronic interference had taken place, the tally reported electronically would not match the printed ballots,” Steel said. “And in every case where we’ve looked at in Georgia, all across the country, the printed ballots, the gold standard in election security, has matched the electronic tally.”

2020-11-22 23:25:01 UTC  

Election fraud takes dishonesty in many links of the chain. If that is possible, who is president is the least of your worries.

2020-11-22 23:25:18 UTC  

@Doc There are those that say if you aren't cheating, you don't want it bad enough. That may have been our current president in The Art of the Deal.

2020-11-22 23:26:32 UTC  

@TaLoN132 😄 Wonderful. He is right. I would never want anything enough to willingly brand myself a cheater. And if you can actually fraud your way to POTUS, your state is over. It doesnt matter who leads.

2020-11-22 23:26:46 UTC  

I want my word to be granite.

2020-11-22 23:26:52 UTC  

Without that I am nothing.

2020-11-22 23:26:56 UTC  

@meglide Damn... and that was in the NY Post.

2020-11-22 23:27:25 UTC  

“Though courts will decide specific questions of legal interpretation in voting disputes, they do not want to be perceived as deciding the 2020 election result, as the Supreme Court did in 2000. Where possible, judges will decline to hear lawsuits that ask big political questions and leave these issues for the political system to resolve.

Enter Congress. If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.”

They don’t need scotus , they will just claim the ballots are disputed and use the house, again this is a terrible precedent

2020-11-22 23:28:30 UTC  

know how you feel my candidate didn't even come in second

2020-11-22 23:28:55 UTC  

@Doc I have the same conversation with my sons. Integrity is key - the foundation. Without it, things fall apart. You never have to keep track of your lies, if you don't start.

2020-11-22 23:29:10 UTC  

@meglide My condolences.

2020-11-22 23:29:25 UTC  

interviewed by Fox News no less

2020-11-22 23:30:01 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Well, that is consequences. But in essence, the question becomes "who do you want to be?" Your actions reflect back on your identity. Do you want to be a liar?

2020-11-22 23:30:23 UTC  

If you lie under oath ONCE, only once, you are forever a liar.

2020-11-22 23:30:45 UTC  

@james j Just because I say "I don't think these ballots were sent fairly" doesn't mean the ballot is disputed. Otherwise there's no reason either party can't just lawyer up and complain about ballots

2020-11-22 23:30:49 UTC  

If noone knows? Doesnt matter. You are still a liar. And you know it. And because you know it, you will project it.

2020-11-22 23:31:10 UTC  

At this time, unless something really big happens in the courts, there's no reason for states to not certify their votes and send electors

2020-11-22 23:31:53 UTC  

If you start down that path of decay, clawing your way back up is so much more difficult than not starting on it. Furthermore, some of these paths have doors that slam shut behind you. @TaLoN132

2020-11-22 23:32:00 UTC  

Deadlines are deadlines and December 14th will come. Unlike the general election, that election doesn't get to drag out for an extra month

2020-11-22 23:33:03 UTC  

@Elzam The Trump team just filed a Hail Mary appeal in PA.

2020-11-22 23:33:05 UTC  

@Elzam he can bribe or convince state politicians to not certify the election and just make them claim the votes are disputed. He did this with the two electors in Michigan, they tried to rescind their certification after a phone call from trump

2020-11-22 23:33:15 UTC  

There is still time for him to make calls

2020-11-22 23:35:31 UTC  

I mean he prob won’t be successful but the act alone should put into question what kind of non democratic entities we have in the white house

2020-11-22 23:35:39 UTC  

If the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals overturns the ruling on that ridiculous case, I will support packing that court. That case was embarrassing. They didn't even Spell Check. I mean, really?

2020-11-22 23:36:16 UTC  

Yeah at this rate there republicans have zero moral standing to dispute court packing, especially if it’s just to even it out

2020-11-22 23:36:20 UTC  

Well bribery is illegal

2020-11-22 23:36:23 UTC  

Which is fair I think

2020-11-22 23:36:44 UTC  

Are you suggesting that we're going to start accepting outcomes which were obtained by criminal acts?

2020-11-22 23:36:54 UTC  

Do you think the American people will not hold these people accountable?