Message from @TaLoN132

Discord ID: 780682915204825088

2020-11-24 06:04:13 UTC  

I mapped them all out, at the time, and it was not what the media was telling everyone, because they reported the death rate as a percentage of population, which was basically meaningless.

2020-11-24 06:04:46 UTC  

I think it's different. This is more akin to drunk driving.

2020-11-24 06:05:28 UTC  

They should not take away constitutional rights for any reason. Ever.

2020-11-24 06:05:38 UTC  

No excuse

2020-11-24 06:05:51 UTC  


2020-11-24 06:06:32 UTC  

A person could argue that they should be allowed to drive while drunk, because it's their choice. It's possible they would make it home, they could have a solo accident, or they could kill someone.

2020-11-24 06:07:32 UTC  

Not a good analogy

2020-11-24 06:08:07 UTC  

We make all kinds of rules that we all abide by for the good of society - DUI, speed limits, traffic signs, seatbelts, helmets, car seats...

2020-11-24 06:08:23 UTC  

So if you’re scared to die. Stay home

2020-11-24 06:08:27 UTC  

Smoking inside

2020-11-24 06:08:39 UTC  

Because by that logic I could be hit by the drunk driver anyways

2020-11-24 06:08:57 UTC  

Not if nobody drove drunk.

2020-11-24 06:09:47 UTC  

People also have the right to leave this country if they don’t like it lol

2020-11-24 06:12:12 UTC  

Always interesting banter. But your argument would make more sense if there weren't so many low symptom or asymptomatic cases. Death rate per population is the best indicator of severity. To date there is a 99.9% survival rate for those under 70.

2020-11-24 06:17:38 UTC  

I think that's a misleading number, because it requires too many assumptions. The death rate is dependent on many factors, access to medical facilities, adequate medical staff, availability of PPE, availability of therapeutic treatments, etc. As the infection rate goes up, the availability of all those other resources goes down. As resources go down, the death rate goes up. The death rate is only 99.9% per the population, if the infection stays down.

2020-11-24 06:19:23 UTC  

This is born out in several places... El Paso, TX, North Dakota, South Dakota, and more. These were places that had managed to avoid the brunt of the disease and they are getting hit hard now.

2020-11-24 06:28:22 UTC  

The other consideration is that we don't know what the long-term effects are - @Repeat mentioned that the aftermath was worse than the disease. There is a lot of information coming out about CoVid being a vascular disease that could effect more than just the lungs. People are reporting many long-term symptoms that are being attributed to CoVid. I think the information is still pretty preliminary, but it's not like we know that much about it. From what I can tell is that the virus may affect different people in different ways. It has me concerned that so-called asymptomatic people might be affected in other parts of their body and not realize it yet. I hope that's not the case and don't really think it's likely, but it's possible.

2020-11-24 06:29:05 UTC  

You can probably tell that I have a habit of way overthinking things....

2020-11-24 06:30:39 UTC  

True, however but there has been almost nowhere in the US that hospital bed and equipment shortages actually occurred (Rampart hospital in NY is possibly the exception). And the the difference btn March and November is the treatment know how and availability of therapeutics. Still wise to wash, mask, but covid is less lethal than the flu if you are under 50. Places that avoided the first wave are seeing the next. The whole point was/is to flatten the curve and keep hospitals from being over run. This virus is contagious, ppl will get it, but locking down has far worse consequences than covid for the vast majority.

2020-11-24 06:30:39 UTC  

@KmFree, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-24 06:35:11 UTC  

I am unaware of numbers of flu deaths by age. According to the CDC website, flu deaths are basically an educated guess. They look at excess deaths that fall outside of known causes and whatever is left over is likely the flu. I have not seen flu death breakdowns by age, but I will have to look for them now.

2020-11-24 06:36:57 UTC  

Got to go. Work comes too early.

2020-11-24 06:37:46 UTC  

There is another concern... In 1918, the first wave was bad, but not that deadly. People would get very sick, but most recovered. Things moved slower back then, but by the time the disease worked its way around the planet and made it back to the US, it had mutated into a much more deadly strain. The more infections increase the chances of more mutations.

2020-11-24 06:38:37 UTC  

I played plague inc too

2020-11-24 06:38:52 UTC  

Plague inc?

2020-11-24 06:38:57 UTC  


2020-11-24 06:39:01 UTC  

It's a game

2020-11-24 06:39:15 UTC  

Became super popular after covid was released

2020-11-24 06:39:30 UTC  

You basically have a pet virus

2020-11-24 06:39:41 UTC  

And your goal is to infect the world and kill everyone

2020-11-24 06:39:46 UTC  

I remember Oregon Trail... Learned I never wanted to get dysentery.

2020-11-24 06:39:54 UTC  

Very ... Educational.

2020-11-24 06:40:17 UTC  

We didn't have a lot of choices back them.

2020-11-24 06:40:19 UTC  


2020-11-24 06:41:09 UTC  

How is the data analysis going?

2020-11-24 06:42:45 UTC  

Just reread this... How morbid... gallows humor?

2020-11-24 06:43:11 UTC  

How old are you lol

2020-11-24 06:43:21 UTC  

99% of games are about killing people

2020-11-24 06:43:49 UTC  

But yea I guess it is slightly humorous

2020-11-24 06:44:03 UTC  

Buy the game it's fun

2020-11-24 06:44:18 UTC  

Playing a game where the goal is to infect the world during a pandemic is pretty morbid.