Message from @realz

Discord ID: 780684970846453761

2020-11-24 06:29:05 UTC  

You can probably tell that I have a habit of way overthinking things....

2020-11-24 06:30:39 UTC  

True, however but there has been almost nowhere in the US that hospital bed and equipment shortages actually occurred (Rampart hospital in NY is possibly the exception). And the the difference btn March and November is the treatment know how and availability of therapeutics. Still wise to wash, mask, but covid is less lethal than the flu if you are under 50. Places that avoided the first wave are seeing the next. The whole point was/is to flatten the curve and keep hospitals from being over run. This virus is contagious, ppl will get it, but locking down has far worse consequences than covid for the vast majority.

2020-11-24 06:30:39 UTC  

@KmFree, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-24 06:35:11 UTC  

I am unaware of numbers of flu deaths by age. According to the CDC website, flu deaths are basically an educated guess. They look at excess deaths that fall outside of known causes and whatever is left over is likely the flu. I have not seen flu death breakdowns by age, but I will have to look for them now.

2020-11-24 06:36:57 UTC  

Got to go. Work comes too early.

2020-11-24 06:37:46 UTC  

There is another concern... In 1918, the first wave was bad, but not that deadly. People would get very sick, but most recovered. Things moved slower back then, but by the time the disease worked its way around the planet and made it back to the US, it had mutated into a much more deadly strain. The more infections increase the chances of more mutations.

2020-11-24 06:38:37 UTC  

I played plague inc too

2020-11-24 06:38:52 UTC  

Plague inc?

2020-11-24 06:38:57 UTC  


2020-11-24 06:39:01 UTC  

It's a game

2020-11-24 06:39:15 UTC  

Became super popular after covid was released

2020-11-24 06:39:30 UTC  

You basically have a pet virus

2020-11-24 06:39:41 UTC  

And your goal is to infect the world and kill everyone

2020-11-24 06:39:46 UTC  

I remember Oregon Trail... Learned I never wanted to get dysentery.

2020-11-24 06:39:54 UTC  

Very ... Educational.

2020-11-24 06:40:17 UTC  

We didn't have a lot of choices back them.

2020-11-24 06:40:19 UTC  


2020-11-24 06:41:09 UTC  

How is the data analysis going?

2020-11-24 06:42:45 UTC  

Just reread this... How morbid... gallows humor?

2020-11-24 06:43:11 UTC  

How old are you lol

2020-11-24 06:43:21 UTC  

99% of games are about killing people

2020-11-24 06:43:49 UTC  

But yea I guess it is slightly humorous

2020-11-24 06:44:03 UTC  

Buy the game it's fun

2020-11-24 06:44:18 UTC  

Playing a game where the goal is to infect the world during a pandemic is pretty morbid.

2020-11-24 06:44:36 UTC  

I'll definitely buy it.

2020-11-24 06:44:36 UTC  

Er maybe I didn't explain it well

2020-11-24 06:44:48 UTC  

It's not "during" a pandemic

2020-11-24 06:44:57 UTC  

You _are_ the pandemic

2020-11-24 06:45:16 UTC  

Or started it

2020-11-24 06:45:21 UTC  

I meant that you said it became popular during the pandemic.

2020-11-24 06:45:33 UTC  

Ah now I understand

2020-11-24 06:45:43 UTC  

Yes, it became popular during the pandemic

2020-11-24 06:45:43 UTC  

@realz, you just advanced to level 14!

2020-11-24 06:45:50 UTC  

I think china banned it or something

2020-11-24 06:45:56 UTC  

That's when I heard about it lol

2020-11-24 06:46:20 UTC  

I guess it is slightly morbid

2020-11-24 06:46:26 UTC  

And gallows humor

2020-11-24 06:47:00 UTC  

See... I'm not an old fuddy duddy that's full of malarkey.

2020-11-24 06:48:25 UTC  

When you were working with the JSON data, did you import it into a database or were you just working with it in Excel or something?

2020-11-24 06:50:02 UTC  

I got the csv, filtered it in python, stuck it in a gist and played with it in observablehq (ipython but with JS)

2020-11-24 06:50:57 UTC  

Do you have a link to the csv? I would like to pull it into SQL and see what I can do with it.