Message from @Watching the Watchers

Discord ID: 783045773280542780

2020-11-30 19:01:05 UTC  

If you witness someone murdering an innocent joggers in cold blood, do you think there should be a trial with cross examination of your witness testimony based on your affidavit?

2020-11-30 19:01:16 UTC  

So? why does this mean Benford's law shouldn't apply? Benford's law has nothing to do with humans

2020-11-30 19:01:29 UTC  


2020-11-30 19:01:41 UTC  

it doesn't

2020-11-30 19:01:56 UTC  

Actually I believe humans are more random than computers. A random function on a computer is not really entirely random.

2020-11-30 19:02:01 UTC  

it works on any "natural numbers" or or any set of numbers that has certain properties

2020-11-30 19:02:20 UTC  

I get it... I was just disputing that voting data could be characterized as random.

2020-11-30 19:02:25 UTC  

There is the entropy factor.

2020-11-30 19:02:31 UTC  

the reason it is used to detect fraud is because humans tend to pick _non-random_ numbers with a preference

2020-11-30 19:02:41 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire yes but ultimately if it’s is just you then that’s all you got is your affidavit.

2020-11-30 19:02:57 UTC  

i.e they tend to like numbers beginning with various digits more equally

2020-11-30 19:03:12 UTC  

Cross examine all you like

2020-11-30 19:03:25 UTC  


2020-11-30 19:03:26 UTC  

Computer randomization is actually an incredibly interesting topic.

2020-11-30 19:03:44 UTC  

people much smarter than you designed a legal system with failsafes to every counter point you have made. i would suggest you stop criticizing and talking about a system you clearly don't understand

2020-11-30 19:03:45 UTC  

Because all computers have to use some sort of tangible data to produce a "random" result.

2020-11-30 19:04:08 UTC  

You can see it was based on time in older systems like the NES.

2020-11-30 19:04:15 UTC  

So it was easily manipulated.

2020-11-30 19:04:18 UTC  
2020-11-30 19:04:20 UTC  

If that’s the case then it should follow you believe that trumps legal team should be able to have a hearing in which their evidence can be presented and their witnesses can be cross examined from both sides, and the defendants witnesses can be cross examined from both sides

2020-11-30 19:04:20 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-11-30 19:04:24 UTC  

Interesting stuff if you care to look into it.

2020-11-30 19:04:33 UTC  

Just claiming people don’t understand things while bumbling around with benfords law does not mean I don’t understand the system

2020-11-30 19:04:54 UTC  

I think we’d both agree that you wouldn’t send the murderer to jail based solely on your affidavit without a trial, right?

2020-11-30 19:05:02 UTC  

you clearly don't if you think affidavits and witnesses aren't sources evidence

2020-11-30 19:05:30 UTC  

@SPEARS re read what I have said and the come back

2020-11-30 19:06:57 UTC  

you never provide any sources or citations, all you have is rhetoric that has no substance and shows you clearly misunderstand how the legal system works

2020-11-30 19:07:06 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire I don’t think what has been presented so far in the courts , (not the sham public hearings) meets the threshold to start evidentiary hearing. So far all we have are opinions and speculation that would get crushed in a cross examination @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

2020-11-30 19:07:44 UTC  

Sources do help. 🤔

2020-11-30 19:07:47 UTC  

@SPEARS everything I have said is common knowledge

2020-11-30 19:07:54 UTC  

LOL james you are going to be absolutely horrified and shocked once you find out how prosecuting attorneys operate, if you ever do

2020-11-30 19:08:27 UTC  

You are gonna be horrified and shocked when you learn affidavits is meaningless on its own

2020-11-30 19:08:31 UTC  

no criminal would ever see justice if the legal system worked like you keep insisting it does

2020-11-30 19:08:57 UTC  

no one is arguing this. the only person saying this is you projecting it onto us

2020-11-30 19:09:08 UTC @SPEARS this is the quality of affidavits presented in court

2020-11-30 19:09:42 UTC  

Ok... so credible employees including democrats and election workers with decades of experience witnessing a crime that has mathematical data supporting their claims isn’t enough to have a hearing. What else would you like to see in order to earn the hearing?

2020-11-30 19:09:56 UTC  

No , all I said was affidavits are meaningless if it’s all you got @SPEARS it’s you that is projecting

2020-11-30 19:10:21 UTC  
2020-11-30 19:11:04 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire It would appear only a selfie from Biden giving a thumbs up and holding up a handful of empty ballots could be credible evidence.

2020-11-30 19:11:16 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire In my opinion, the analyses of the Edison Research NEP data feed to the NYT that I have seen so far appear to assume that all data collected by NEP is received directly from the source Voting System. I have seen no stipulation or accommodation for the fact that a significant amount of that data was collected manually with humans making phone calls directly to precincts to get preliminary numbers and then those numbers being later superseded by data scraped from Sec of State sites that publish preliminary results intermixed with some automated feeds. Because of this less than consistent method of gathering the data and the haphazard way that it is managed through the night. I reject the notion that anyone could with any degree of certainty be able to tell that data was indicative of fraud. They are starting with a false premise based on an incorrect assumption. You can know this, because they do not acknowledge anywhere that the intercepted data is anything other than an accurate representation of the data that resided in the voting systems. It simply was not.

2020-11-30 19:11:24 UTC  

Also all the math is based on certain presupposes axioms after the fact, as with braynard you have to be willing to trust his data set (that he gathered on his own) @AdvanceManExtraordinaire