Message from @MatiLuc

Discord ID: 783090536553644053

2020-11-30 21:49:18 UTC  

Also, isn’t the theory that it is election officials complicit in this tampering, so unlocking the machines is a non-issue.
That was my understanding at least, correct me if I’m wrong on that.

2020-11-30 21:49:57 UTC  

some kind of special memory card

2020-11-30 21:50:29 UTC  

at some point Guiliani said the entire election workers appararatus was some kind of election mafia but the main dominion complaints are in the kraken

2020-11-30 21:51:47 UTC  

obviously at some point in any type of election process you need to put some trustworthy folks in charge of the election process I mean if you think the election workforce FBI DOJ CIA are all in on it how do you say well thats impossible

2020-11-30 21:51:52 UTC  

In an attempt to save money, GA combined the canvass and audit with the full hand recount. The missing votes would have been identified in the canvass when they attempt to balance the votes cast with the votes tabulated. It was not an indication of any malfeasance.

2020-11-30 21:52:25 UTC  

I try to keep my arguments and line of reasoning to facts as much as possible. Maybe a little game theory. I don’t think I have to point out what’s at stake on the other side if it is in fact ruled that there is fraud, and lots if people are in on it, and the fallout of that, and the incentive for doing what’s necessary to keep that from happening at all costs. But I will leave that out of my line of reasoning.

2020-11-30 21:54:10 UTC  

Are you asserting that the absence of proof is proof of a cover up?

2020-11-30 21:54:22 UTC  

theres role based security and locked down audits too though so its not like a random election employee can login and download a bunch of ballots and not get it logged and also has to somehow get a bunch of matching printed ballots I mean its not oceans 11 characters working at an election center as a side job to feed their family

2020-11-30 21:54:24 UTC  

Col. W
This all Hypothesis.
No voting  machine is safe..
We still looking for evidence
Is Impossible to check if mail ballot fraud occurred
Were ballots send  from north North Korea?.. some lady asked 
He doesn't know where the backup servers are

2020-11-30 21:54:55 UTC  

I don’t think I am. How do you figure?

2020-11-30 21:55:19 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire i understand the allegations I am just saying you might be giving these “affidavit writers” way too much credit. We all knew Trump was gonna do this so to sit here and pretend like this isn’t more likely a show then something serious would not be wise

2020-11-30 21:55:36 UTC  

they aren't going down to the local moose lodge and saying I need some folks to count votes also if you used to work for the CIA it would help

2020-11-30 21:58:01 UTC  

if a system is designed to be an internal network between voters machines and a tabulation device and is airgapped to the internet a witness saying I saw an internet cord going to a router is not sufficient to say damn Iran get off my voting machines.

2020-11-30 21:58:41 UTC  

I don’t see any reason to come to a conclusion based on anything other than the facts of the cases. Whether trump saw it coming, or planned lawsuits, or is a big whiny crybaby, is irrelevant.

2020-11-30 21:58:43 UTC  

I may have misread what you wrote... I thought you were saying essentially that it shouldn't be a surprise that it's hard to find proof because the people who would have committed the fraud would know what is at stake and would try to hide it really well...

2020-11-30 21:59:56 UTC  

it takes a level of ninja spy skills to rig an election on a massive scale that makes it incredibly odd they wouldnt just go out and talk to the half of the country not voting and say hey can you vote?

2020-11-30 22:01:14 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire are you considering the fact trump never said he would concede prior to the election and always said it would be fraudulently and unfair despite having no evidence back then either @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

2020-11-30 22:01:29 UTC  

This is all one confirmation bias party

2020-11-30 22:01:33 UTC  

I mean to get from A to B took Sidney Powell the Clinton Foundation, George Soros, Bernie Sanders, Biden, GOP governor Kemp and his secretary of state, China, Venzuelua, Cuba, a dead dictator, communist money

2020-11-30 22:02:10 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire are you examining the motivations and eligibility of these people in a hotel conference room or a car lot. Again none in court.

2020-11-30 22:02:13 UTC  

@Dedkraken is like a low budget movie

2020-11-30 22:02:16 UTC  

Im still waiting for these things to show up in the Kraken 😄 besides the tentative Hugo Chavez and Venezuela reference.

2020-11-30 22:02:42 UTC  

oops I forgot also the CIA FBI and DOJ and election workers

2020-11-30 22:03:06 UTC  

DHS to dont forget

2020-11-30 22:03:06 UTC  

AZ certified for Biden

2020-11-30 22:03:38 UTC  

And Republican Govs and Sec of St that were bought off by Dominion

2020-11-30 22:03:48 UTC  

cherry on the top when Legal Eagle suggested Sidney take fictional writing courses from his sponsor 💯

2020-11-30 22:03:53 UTC  

These is more evidence to suggest this is political theater then there is actual fraud. So far this is what the facts are dictating based on what they are presenting in court and even what they are presenting in public. An allegation made in a hotel lobby without anything to back it up weighs very little as evidence to prove fraud @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

2020-11-30 22:04:18 UTC  

I forgot a bunch of rival voting machine companies were also somehow working together Talon

2020-11-30 22:06:10 UTC  

If we are talking about general fraud that happens every election , I don’t think anyone is doubting that. It’s absolutely certain that kind of fraud did occur @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

2020-11-30 22:11:39 UTC  

Don’t forget the Iranians, Chinese and a handful of others.

2020-11-30 22:30:48 UTC  

...and the Republican administration in Georgia.

2020-11-30 22:33:31 UTC  

Tell that to the Arizona State Legislator Chairman who disagrees with you.

2020-11-30 22:40:07 UTC  

How many Arizona state legislators are there ? @thebrodys

2020-11-30 22:40:44 UTC  

And why should one guys opinion matter when I am evaluating the body of evidence

2020-11-30 22:40:50 UTC  


2020-11-30 22:42:02 UTC  

30 senate looks like

2020-11-30 22:42:53 UTC  

About 60 house looks like

2020-11-30 22:44:04 UTC  

I think that's why PA is having issues technically the houses have the power to do what they want but they excluded most of Congress and had this hearing unofficially behind them and then say hey vote for this

2020-11-30 22:49:02 UTC  

In the Hallowed Halls of Hyatt.