Message from @ImNotGas

Discord ID: 783202152532934687

2020-12-01 05:15:29 UTC  

@realz so stalin is a fascist?

2020-12-01 05:15:47 UTC  

he had a lot of fascist ideals lol

2020-12-01 05:15:51 UTC  

but don't tell him that to his face

2020-12-01 05:19:16 UTC  

@ImNotGas Righty people are the ones who do the blanket communism thing...for anything left. Lefties call anything conservative fascist.

But the interesting thing you mentioned was the bizarre script flipping thing the right does with 'fascist'. They do mean 'authoritarian', I think.

2020-12-01 05:19:45 UTC  

@Zuluzeit i mean left wing people confuse anything authoritarian with fascism as well

2020-12-01 05:20:04 UTC  

@Zuluzeit fascism is more than just auth-right

2020-12-01 05:20:38 UTC  

Oh yes. But it's ridiculous hyperbole when lefties use it. I am familiar with fascism.

2020-12-01 05:20:42 UTC  

I’m using fascism to describe a very specific and evil form of authoritarianism:

1. The merger of the state and the media. Using the state to censor threatening views.
2. The merger of the state and private business. The destruction of small business in favor of large corporations in which the state owns an ever increasing stake.
3. The merger of state and religion. Critical theory policies and the deconstruction of western culture in favor of the “cult” of science and government.
4. Race-based distribution of wealth and civil rights. Neo segregation and equity policies.
5. Disarming the populace.
6. Strengthening the military presence around the world and playing superpower.
7. Abolition of privacy.

I’d argue this is the modern left’s platform.

2020-12-01 05:21:20 UTC  

They also seem unaware of their own authoritarianism

2020-12-01 05:21:33 UTC  

1.,2,5,7 present in all authoritarian regimes

2020-12-01 05:21:44 UTC  

I would say that project their authoritarianism.

2020-12-01 05:23:02 UTC  

3, present in nazism and stalinism, 4. just hortler 6. actually not the goal of the nazis, though it was the goal of mussolini

2020-12-01 05:23:25 UTC  

Actual Italian fascism was explicitly anti-communist.

2020-12-01 05:23:26 UTC  

Trickle-up poverty is great until you live it

2020-12-01 05:23:43 UTC

2020-12-01 05:23:53 UTC  

@Zuluzeit interestingly many fascist scholars had huge problems with nazi's socialist policies

2020-12-01 05:23:55 UTC  

IMO the unifying ideology is what really separates a simple authoritarian regime like Cuba from something like nazi Germany who felt they had a spiritual destiny to cleanse the world that they were obligated to fulfill. I see this same phenomena with the woke left.

2020-12-01 05:24:56 UTC  

Sorry... I had to step away and get my son to get ready for bed. I listened to the video and I understand your concerns. It appears that GA is going above and beyond to try and implement a system that endeavors to eliminate the slightest suspicion that they are trying to disenfranchise any of their voters. As you know, the south doesn't have the best record for ensuring that minorities are able to exercise their right to vote. So, I applaud their efforts to make sure that all Georgians that wish to vote are afforded every opportunity to do so. I think that is something we should all want.

So, regarding your concerns. They must have determined that the combination of data elements was specific enough to make a reasonable assumption of identity. I would like to see the analysis that they hopefully conducted to reach the assumption that specific set of identifiable information was sufficient. I would also like to know what checks and balances they put in place to ensure that multiple requests were not received from the same person using different request methods or if the same person requested ballots to different locations. Assuming they have some or all of these safeguards in place, I do find it disturbing that they can input any address to send the ballot to. It is an unnecessary level of flexibility. If the registered address is no longer where they reside, then why don't they update the registered address. The only obvious exception would be military servicemembers who no longer live in their home of record. While I still think that the address where the ballot was sent could help lead to the person committing fraud, I think that allowing users to alter the address where ballots are sent is an unnecessary risk.

2020-12-01 05:25:14 UTC  

I guess if you're on enough drugs sleeping under a bridge is fantastic

2020-12-01 05:25:41 UTC  

build back better

2020-12-01 05:25:44 UTC  

with meth!

2020-12-01 05:26:42 UTC  

> @Zuluzeit interestingly many fascist scholars had huge problems with nazi's socialist policies
@ImNotGas Indeed. But I think that is explained by simply looking at how the party evolved. Leaving it in the name ended up not being perfectly descriptive.

2020-12-01 05:27:06 UTC  

well this is pre ethnic cleansing expeditions

2020-12-01 05:27:13 UTC  

obviously people had problems with that

2020-12-01 05:27:32 UTC  

Lol understandable, clearly

2020-12-01 05:28:40 UTC  

Where all the money people giving to trump is really going

2020-12-01 05:28:54 UTC  

75 percent to prob pay of debts and start trump tv

2020-12-01 05:29:51 UTC  

They know that when they donate, I think. At least at the very beginning of the money grab, it was right there by the donate button.

2020-12-01 05:30:03 UTC  

I looked.

2020-12-01 05:30:18 UTC  

But the percentage was lower.

2020-12-01 05:30:33 UTC  

@busillis why do you keep posting that meme? Like what are you communicating? Do you have a definition of ownership yet?

2020-12-01 05:30:59 UTC  

How many people would donate to a Joe Biden election fraud fund? 😂

2020-12-01 05:31:07 UTC  

a lot

2020-12-01 05:31:08 UTC  

@ImNotGas, you just advanced to level 10!

2020-12-01 05:31:11 UTC  


2020-12-01 05:31:12 UTC  


2020-12-01 05:31:14 UTC  

a few billionares

2020-12-01 05:31:20 UTC  

More recounts more nothing, Biden has won every swing state like 4 times now

2020-12-01 05:31:27 UTC  

Do you?

2020-12-01 05:31:31 UTC  

recounts are pointless without an audit