Message from @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

Discord ID: 784098284251119648

2020-12-03 09:22:14 UTC  

"anyone but him" has been a factor in European politics sometimes, as the whole thing regresses down to "Is this guy handsome?"

2020-12-03 09:23:42 UTC  

Absolutely... That's what I was getting at. It would be very profitable for them. They would have much more power being the big Farm Ahhhhh. See what I did there?

2020-12-03 09:27:28 UTC  

I think the issue would be how likely the urban areas would be to apologize. I've lived in both cultures and power and profit is much less of a motivator in rural cultures than it is urban cultures. Respect, tradition, and consistency are much more important values in rural cultures than profit and power. Unless that communication barrier is figured out it's not going to go well.

2020-12-03 09:33:58 UTC  

Not surprisingly, people like to eat, so I'm guessing pretty likely. I've lived all over, too. Hopefully, everything works out and we never have to find out who was right.

2020-12-03 09:39:57 UTC  

Gotta get a few winks in... It's been fun. Goodnight.

2020-12-03 09:43:32 UTC  

Its shocking the difference between Mellissa Carones testimony currently and 3 weeks ago. If you saw what you saw on election day why would it change so much

2020-12-03 10:17:07 UTC  

@linuxace It is said that when power shifts from rural to urban, the power of profit and commerce will subdue the rural culture by its numbers and economic influence. The two are opposites, and any attempt at a synthesis of the two leads further down the rabbit-hole.

2020-12-03 15:03:40 UTC  

Yes. That would not be good for anyone.

2020-12-03 15:16:23 UTC  

Georgia senate’s election hearing is live now

2020-12-03 16:14:10 UTC  

Crossfire hurricane is live

2020-12-03 16:17:04 UTC  

This is going to get weird

2020-12-03 16:36:23 UTC  

I believe in the need for a free press and their ability to protect their sources but what if the government decides what they said is a lie?
Danger Will Robinson

2020-12-03 16:44:44 UTC  

I'm getting some real mixed messages what are they trying to do more and less government oppression both in their favor?

2020-12-03 16:45:54 UTC  

This dude’s appeal to everything other than facts and the other sides arguments is mind numbing.

2020-12-03 16:46:16 UTC  

“We have spent so much money on our election, therefore there is no fraud”

2020-12-03 16:46:38 UTC  

“Look at this letter someone wrote us for running such a good election”

2020-12-03 16:46:44 UTC  

You in the GA hearings advanceman?

2020-12-03 16:47:58 UTC  

This is pretty unreal gish gallop press conferences weren't enough now they need fish gallop papers and hearings 😂

2020-12-03 16:47:59 UTC  

Watching it yeah

2020-12-03 16:48:15 UTC  

Stop spell checking me autocorrect

2020-12-03 16:49:41 UTC  

Can a single one of these senators on either side admit they both have bias

2020-12-03 16:54:19 UTC  

Just 20k more man...100k club soon.

2020-12-03 16:54:46 UTC  

Imagine when the good analysis that robert makes is able to reach that many people

2020-12-03 17:05:27 UTC  

I have concerns about msnbc and CNN also but how can you talk about fixing news integrity without discussing the elephant in the room

2020-12-03 17:12:37 UTC  

They want to attack FISA against Trump but pretend the rest are legit 🤔🙄

2020-12-03 17:27:59 UTC  

Maga is even ruining Canada’s nice reputation

2020-12-03 17:45:37 UTC  

I am impressed just how productive and refreshing it is to listen to a legitimate state Senate hearing in GA. Without "Team Elite Strike Force", we get to hear respectful, thoughtful dialog that genuinely appears to want to get to the bottom of what is going on. Maybe GA looks so good, because the rest were such a joke. Everyone knows the rumors and accusations that have been thrown about. Absent rhetoric and accusations, Senators were able to question people who were actually there and part of the process. Both sides asked direct and relevant questions, which brought to light valid concerns on both sides. They even had follow up questions when they felt they needed more information. Without feeling like they were being attacked, those testifying were able to provide detailed answers. If they did not have directly knowledge, they said so. If they did not know, they said so and offered to get the requested information.

I got the impression that GA Senators were informed and engaged in making sure that the election was fair, that every effort was being done to address concerns about mail-in voter verification, the expectation was not perfection - just that it was conducted in a manner to do everything possible prevent voter fraud, and that they wanted input on how to improve the process in future elections.

I hope that these hearings in GA are able to calm the voters in GA and that they will all go to the polls knowing that they the individuals their state collectively chooses to represent them in the US Senate, will be heading to DC in January. Thank you GA for giving me a little hope and possibly a blueprint for other state legislatures to conduct themselves in trying to ascertain the truth and help their constituents regain/retain faith in their democracy.

2020-12-03 17:58:09 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 that's the racist lady that said all Asian look the same

2020-12-03 17:58:51 UTC  

“The racist” lady...seriously. Nothing about what she said was racist

2020-12-03 18:00:22 UTC  

Here in NyC is a racist statement

2020-12-03 18:12:59 UTC  

Which one was that @MatiLuc can I get a clip

2020-12-03 18:13:32 UTC  

All Asians look the same is pretty racist @thebrodys

2020-12-03 18:15:11 UTC  

Lol well she was unfamiliar with those cultures & was generalizing

2020-12-03 18:15:50 UTC  

Oh the Indian lady

2020-12-03 18:16:13 UTC  

Yeah..they all sound a like