Message from @samwisegamgee77

Discord ID: 784676072137424906

2020-12-05 06:54:14 UTC  


2020-12-05 06:54:21 UTC  

And the right accused the left of being intolerable. lol

2020-12-05 06:54:52 UTC  

Not mad, just don't have the energy to argue any longet

2020-12-05 06:55:10 UTC  

& repeat just showed an example of intolerance to nothing offensive that was said.

2020-12-05 06:55:40 UTC  

What have I said that you feel I’m arguing with you?

2020-12-05 06:55:43 UTC  

Its fine you guys can just vote for Trump in 2024 , watch the new conservatives (trump) station for the next 4 years

2020-12-05 06:55:55 UTC  

That you guys paid for

2020-12-05 06:56:15 UTC  

Blocking is a little kiddish imo

2020-12-05 06:56:23 UTC  

Trump has now taken 200 million for his pac

2020-12-05 06:56:38 UTC  

It doesn’t bother me, just wondering what I said that was so offensive lol

2020-12-05 06:56:56 UTC  

I have outside influence everywhere I look. The ability to block some of it is a godsend

2020-12-05 06:57:06 UTC  

I just ignore people who are unreasonable

2020-12-05 06:57:29 UTC  

Yeah asking for your strongest piece of evidence is unreasonable

2020-12-05 06:57:38 UTC  

I’m reasonable, if one is debating. But evidently everyone is heated.

2020-12-05 06:57:45 UTC  

Even though you are convinced you see fraud

2020-12-05 06:58:21 UTC  

I gave you some great points to look into just surrounding the video, but it seems you have already dismissed it

2020-12-05 06:58:22 UTC  

@Repeat was unable to handle the pressure and blocked me. It’s a first.

2020-12-05 07:00:08 UTC  

Yeah because that’s weak evidence, the facts don’t match the fraud narrative @samwisegamgee77

2020-12-05 07:00:18 UTC  

Did you read the article or not

2020-12-05 07:00:29 UTC  

I joined the debate late, hadn’t seen the points you made.

The video can be taken out of context, but let’s see what the courts say.

2020-12-05 07:02:34 UTC  

If you are willing to open your mind just a bit... I know the conservative twins are often misinformed or hyperbolic and biased, but their coverage of it tonight was along the same track that I've been following and most of what they point out in this case is very true and hard to discredit if you actually look at the events that have taken place.

2020-12-05 07:03:28 UTC  

Disclaimer... I know they are biased, I usually only watch some of their bits for comedic relief, but they called it as it is here

2020-12-05 07:03:48 UTC  

It’s hard to discredit a narrative you have been led to believe for months

2020-12-05 07:04:02 UTC  

All sources should be looked at and one can make ones mind up. I’ll definitely have a look.

2020-12-05 07:04:43 UTC  

I agree with you both on those points

2020-12-05 07:06:43 UTC  

What I'm saying now is, is that entire chain of events not evidence enough to meet the burden to investigate, rather than call it a lack of evidence?

2020-12-05 07:06:50 UTC  

Which is why these groups of maga supporters just writing up affidavits (making a mistake or giving a perspective won’t get you jail time) of what they think is fraud after they have been led to believe trump will win in a land slide. I

2020-12-05 07:07:10 UTC  

Is not really credible

2020-12-05 07:07:33 UTC  

Especially when they write things like “this guys was really big and made me scared”

2020-12-05 07:07:59 UTC  

I’m not saying it shouldn’t be investigated, everything suspicious should be investigated...but before it’s investigated it’s counterproductive to shout from the rooftops “it’s fraud & I’ve won the election”

2020-12-05 07:08:17 UTC  

It’s like being sure someone drinking water is drinking vodka

2020-12-05 07:08:21 UTC  

I dont buy the whole landslide win pitch. Thats trumps hyperbolic ego speaking imo. But we all know his personality

2020-12-05 07:09:21 UTC  

James j, the video shows the later rerunning stacks of ballots though...

2020-12-05 07:11:12 UTC  

That’s what you do when one ballot gets jammed

2020-12-05 07:11:22 UTC  

You recycle the batch

2020-12-05 07:11:35 UTC  

How do you know that?

2020-12-05 07:11:36 UTC  

Even still they hand recounted like a million times

2020-12-05 07:11:51 UTC  

And the ballots match the original count

2020-12-05 07:12:08 UTC  

So even if votes were counted multiple times it would have been caught in a hand count

2020-12-05 07:12:25 UTC  

Because thats what poll workers say

2020-12-05 07:12:26 UTC  

@samwisegamgee77 There was fraud... There always is some fraud. Some get caught some don't. I believe that there are people on both sides of the political spectrum that are willing to do what it takes to help their chosen candidate win. I think it has been that way for a long time. It sucks and every single one that is caught should be prosecuted. I think that most election officials know that this is going to happen and while they'll do everything they can to prevent it, they will spend the majority of that effort to prevent wide-spread fraud, because they know that ultimately the small time fraud is a zero sum game as neither side is more or less likely to partake.

I think Trump new this and made a calculation... If he made enough noise about the 2020 election being rigged and "deputized" his base to do everything possible to find the proof of this fraud, that his supporters would answer his call. And they sure did. Every Trump supporter that was involved with the election was focused on being hyper-vigilant. Every mail-in ballot was someone trying to be fraudulent. Every person pulling a cart, talking near a van, who didn't seem to want to be overheard, that was trying diligently to work as efficiently as possible... they were all suspects. An nerdy election worker was the object of ridicule and accused of "palming" a thumb drive - he was doxed and rcvd death threats - was just doing his job. Every disagreement was someone nefarious. The vast, vast majority of affidavits have perfectly innocent explanations, but are assumed malfeasance. The problem is none of these affidavits are being found to have any evidentiary value.