Message from @Recalibar

Discord ID: 784935209941860362

2020-12-06 00:05:50 UTC  

I went through all of that data myself and do still have that one my computer.

2020-12-06 00:06:05 UTC  

Plenty of people explain the data. Lot of footprints but nothing truly proven in court of law yet.

2020-12-06 00:06:34 UTC  

Unless they made money to allow this to happen. And we all know politicians are easy to pay for.

2020-12-06 00:06:52 UTC  

Democracy docket's policy seems to push for "Dismiss dismiss dismiss." so evidence is never really reviewed in those cases.

2020-12-06 00:06:54 UTC  

I want to opt out of socialism, house on fire, no fire department, no water or sewer processing please...

2020-12-06 00:07:33 UTC  

How else are we supposed to get the child laborers to the coal mines without any government roads?

2020-12-06 00:07:52 UTC  


2020-12-06 00:07:53 UTC  

Me too, I will be your neighbor and help you if its on fire.

2020-12-06 00:07:54 UTC  

@Corndog, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-06 00:08:08 UTC  

And no one has come out and said "This is why those 18,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden" or this is why those "32,000" votes just disappeared from Trump's total.

Not a single explanation has been given as to WHY it's there.

2020-12-06 00:08:40 UTC  

Just export them to china! Lol

2020-12-06 00:08:40 UTC  

Aye. Lot of people explain it away as normal.

2020-12-06 00:09:36 UTC  

Right but if you can't tell me why it's "normal" I can't accept as normal. I'm not a coder now but I once was....machines do not do that in "normal" operation.

2020-12-06 00:09:51 UTC  

They can only follow the instructions you given them.

2020-12-06 00:10:13 UTC  

Its just a glitch get over it. Lol

2020-12-06 00:10:19 UTC  

It has happened in other elections, when the Dominion software was also used. Lmao.

2020-12-06 00:10:50 UTC  

So, it's normal for anyone that has a Smartmatic portion of their backbone software...

2020-12-06 00:11:04 UTC  

Which still doesn't make it acceptable to me.

2020-12-06 00:11:28 UTC  

That's the conclusions being made by Team Trump. It's normal... if you're using Smartmatic.

2020-12-06 00:11:48 UTC  

Define proven there's been no fraud proven in a court of law

2020-12-06 00:12:17 UTC  

That's what we're all waiting for, isn't it?

2020-12-06 00:12:23 UTC  

Scanning same stack of ballots 3x

2020-12-06 00:12:41 UTC  

So are we just going to claim rescanning ballots doesn't matter? They have barcodes and all is fine?

2020-12-06 00:13:19 UTC  

When in the world are we ever going to get to a real trial if they

1) Won't allow us to bring real witnesses forward due to time constraints


2) Exclude the witness affidavits we have because the witnesses themselves didn't testify

2020-12-06 00:13:31 UTC  

I mean, that it literally what just happened in NV

2020-12-06 00:13:51 UTC  

And all over the place.

2020-12-06 00:14:39 UTC  

Can't keep telling us we don't have proof when we're never allowed to present the proof and not have it excluded for some ignorant technical thing....

2020-12-06 00:15:30 UTC  

So we are left with, it isn’t proven... but isn’t disproven either... Without legal relief its ones faith against another. If the ramifications are large enough, that is extremely damaging to the country.

2020-12-06 00:15:31 UTC  

Agreed. Rescanning batch after batch of ballots without zeroing out the tabulator was another issue.

2020-12-06 00:15:58 UTC  


2020-12-06 00:16:12 UTC  

Commie stooge Benjamin Franklin and his Jacobin thinking imposed US Mail on this free country, no more US Mail.

2020-12-06 00:16:35 UTC  

It's damaging either way. The implications of a large organization of people working contrary to the interests of american people is...

2020-12-06 00:16:35 UTC  

@Recalibar, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-12-06 00:17:03 UTC  

But the thing I hate the most about it? It's not allowed to be talked about.

2020-12-06 00:17:22 UTC  

Yes but less damaging if these cases are at least adjudicated.

2020-12-06 00:18:33 UTC  

We cannot openly debate the topic on most social media. People discussing these issues are repressed and forced to accept the claims there is no fraud or be shadowbanned/banned by big tech. It's not concerning these allegations are being made, it's concerning they're being repressed.

2020-12-06 00:19:13 UTC  

So, all you folks seem to be much more educated with this stuff than I am... can anyone explain the 120% voter turnout that Colonel Phil Waldron testifies to during his portion of a couple of these hearings? That guy has some gnarly credentials, but I'm no expert so it sounds great, but I don't know how he got to the conclusions he did. Has that been 'debunked' or is that another thing that the states are blowing off?

2020-12-06 00:20:44 UTC  

@Corndog is a proto-Marxist lover...

2020-12-06 00:21:22 UTC

2020-12-06 00:21:22 UTC  

I believe the voter turnout is being cross-referenced to census data in these cases. But I'm unsure of the exact methodology. I put it in my personal category of "plausable."